Unlike the blue moon … 5. It is said that coincidences happen once in a blue moon. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. If one source, once in a blue moon, does it, that's not usage either. once in a blue moon. Examples: "Once in a blue moon I go to the cinema, only when there's a film I really, really want to see." once in a blue moon in a sentence: I don't usually hang out here, just once in a blue moon. It is only once in a blue moon that my sister visits. 2. Please show me example sentences with -다(가) 보면. "That shouldn't happen, maybe once in a blue moon." “Once in a blue moon” today means “very rarely,” though it used to mean something that was absurd, right along the lines of “when pigs fly.” A Blue Moon transpires when a Supermoon occurs a second time in the same month. Once in a blue moon is an idiom that goes back to medieval times, though the meaning has changed from the original. If one source, once in a blue moon, does it, that's not usage either. Once in a blue moon, we encounter a talent as prodigious as Michael Hersch, Actual injuries occur, some of them disabling or, once in a blue moon, fatal. See a translation 0 likes 0 disagrees Share this question. More Sentences: 1 2 3 Example of use: “I have only 2 more months till my wedding, so I allow myself to eat fast food only once in a blue moon.” Show more ; Please show me example sentences with Thank You. Please show me example sentences with Gravy. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. Only once in a blue moon do you come across such a lucky phase. (idiomatic) Very rarely; very infrequently. Once in a blue moon definition is - very rarely. 9 Once in a blue moon … English. Today I found out the origin of the phrase “once in a blue moon” and what a blue moon actually is. It only happens to me once in a blue moon that I can make no forward progress. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für once in a blue moon im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). once-in-a-blue-moon definition: Adverb 1. 36+2 sentence examples: 1. ... “once in a blue moon,” which refers to something that happens on a very infrequent basis. Where Did the Term Blue Moon Come From? He shines once in a blue moon. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Once in a blue moon definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. French Translation of “once in a blue moon” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Once in a blue moon is a common idiom which indicates that something happens only very rarely, seldom, only once in a long period of time; almost never.. Please show me example sentences with 아야기. Once in a Blue Moon and Other Idioms That Don’t Make Scientific Sense From “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” to “hard as nails,” several sayings just don’t pass scientific scrutiny The meaning of the phrase ‘Once in a Blue Moon’ is something that happens very rarely. We will look at the definition of once in a blue moon, where the term comes from, how the meaning has changed and some examples of its use in sentences. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Once in a blue moon, we encounter a talent as prodigious as Michael Hersch, Actual injuries occur, some of them disabling or, once in a blue moon, fatal. Once in a blue moon idiom 2 sentences Get the answers you need, now! As for Blood, that indicates the Blue Moon is being accompanied by a total lunar eclipse. Examples of 'once in a blue moon' in a sentence once in a blue moon. However, in the past, the meaning of the phrase was something that was preposterous and unreasonable. 2. Such a chance comes once in a blue moon.