Considered the fastest human being in history, Bolt can reach a top speed of 27 mph, which is faster than a lot of animals. I was bored one night and I started to think: are humans fast enough to get away from a wolf who's chasing them? The fastest human is Usain Bolt, whose speed is about 44 km per hour. On average, humans run the same as alligators and crocodiles, though both animals have been able to reach 30 mph, but only in short bursts, so if the human got a head start, the alligator or crocodile would never catch up. More than likely, you’ve heard from other hunters or hikers what you should do in case of an encounter. Odds are that you already know that the average human can’t outrun the animals on this list. Because we cool by sweating rather than panting, we can stay cool at speeds and distances that would overheat other animals. But can a human outrun a cheetah if he/she has exceptional abilities? There are many dangerous animals that can harm a human. Over a long-distance, humans can outrun cheetahs. How slow we are becomes pretty clear when you look at the top speeds of some of the fastest animals on land. Top Ten Animals That Can Outrun You. But over long distances humans can outrun nearly every other animal on land. And you definitely shouldn't try to outrun brown bears. Not in sprints over short distances, but over long distances, such as in marathons. 90. Is it true that no animal can outrun a human over a long distance? Marathon distance or longer I guess. March 21, 2015. 3 18. Top Ten Animals That Can Outrun You. Despite rumours to the contrary, black and grizzly bears can outrun a human on ANY terrain, uphill or down. How slow we are becomes pretty clear when you look at the top speeds of some of the fastest animals on land. 1) Cheetah, 93 km per hour. The cheetah is, I believe the fastest-moving land animal. You can’t outrun a bear so don’t even try. Usain Bolt’s speed translated to about 28 mph, which is far below the speed of a cheetah. Would you like to merge this question into it? The most obvious ones are the larger ones such as lions and tigers. Do Not Run. Is a bear faster than a human? The rest of us are a whole lot slower. 90. Humans can outrun other primates if both are running on two legs, but not four. The fastest human is Usain Bolt, whose speed is about 44 km per hour. In fact, humans can outrun any animal in a marathon. Elite human runners, however, can sustain speeds up to 6.5 meters per second. Odds are that you already know that the average human can’t outrun the animals on this list. On a hot day, the two scientists wrote, a human could even outrun a horse … We get outrun by ostriches and outswum by penguins. Odds are that you already know that the average human can’t outrun the animals on this list. More than likely, you’ve heard from other hunters or hikers what you should do in case of an encounter. Here are all the animals Usain Bolt can outrun. But when it comes to long distances, humans can outrun almost any animal. Included in these animals are the tapir and the deer. On a hot day, the two […] Maybe endurance horses? I guess the argument was that we have more stamina than every animal and we could just follow their tracks and eventually catch up with them. Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world that belongs to the cat family. March 21, 2015. ... a human could even outrun a horse in a 26.2-mile marathon. 2) Lion, 80 km per hour. Fact: Bears can […] But almost all the cats and dogs can outrun the average human. Can humans outrun any animal? Note: The math here is overly simplistic in that it assumes the animal would slow to a speed slower than your 10 m.p.h. as soon as they've exhausted their maximum speed distance, but this isn't necessarily true. already exists. (A cheetah can still outrun you even when she's just jogging.)