You will need to finely chop the celery before you feed it to your dragon. The ideal ratio for a bearded dragon is between 1:1 and 2:1. In this post, you will find a big list of various foods (over 350!) Young dragons will eat mostly small insects and will eat more vegetables and fruits as they grow. The truth is bearded dragon will definitely it’s a process called aestivate which are bred in caring for a bearded dragon owners also can bearded dragons eat broccoli has rocks and other vitamins. Can bearded dragons eat cucumbers? Bearded dragons are curious eaters, and love diversity in their diet. Broccoli shouldn’t be offered too often as it contains a moderate amount of oxalates that have the ability to bind calcium and stop it from being absorbed in the body. Broccoli and other brassicas are high in oxalates, which can cause hypocalcemia by binding with calcium. It makes them look crisp and clean unlike that waxy dull a little gross look they have when you buy them for the store. Although there is no … So as new or “soon to be” beardie pet owners, you will need to know when and what can bearded dragons eat, foods to … And there are some vegetables that they should eat in moderation. But what can bearded dragons eat and what not to feed bearded dragons? This means that they need a diet of both insects and vegetables. that your bearded dragon can eat and cannot eat. July 5, 2017July 26, 2019. For other vitamins or calciums, I let the cricket or worm eat carrot and calciums+ vitamin powder, that your bearded dragon can eat and cannot eat. That means they will eat any prey that they can subdue, and those include insects predominantly. Please visit our diet page for a list of other vegetables bearded dragons can eat Learn what vegetables are safe for bearded dragons to eat.. Yes, bearded dragons can eat raw celery (both the stalks and the leaves). Yes, beardies can have an occasional broccoli, raw or steamed. In this post, you will find a big list of various foods (over 350!) It is one of the highest calcium containing vegetables around. If they have a nibble of it, they will be okay. However before use any sort of heating pad. Yes, occasionally. It contains a lot of vitamin K and a small amount of vitamin A. As a pet owner it is important to know what your pets can eat and cannot eat so that they live a full and healthy life. Broccoli provides a good source of calcium, protein, fibre and vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, C, E and K. But they also contain high levels of oxalic acid which makes it unsuitable for reptiles including bearded dragons. This page will go over everything you need to know about feeding your bearded … Bearded dragon food consists of fruits, veggies, and insects. But there are many vegetables that bearded dragons shouldn't eat. You can come across the abnormal looking leading too many people even use ceramic tiles and repti-carpet because it too will prevent these pests. Bearded dragons can eat broccoli as part of a balanced diet. An excessive amount of broccoli can be harmful to the bearded dragon, however, so it is best to feed the bearded dragon uncooked broccoli … Broccoli is not a recommended food for reptiles, because it is high in oxalates. Although bearded dragons can eat broccoli, they should be given very little of it. Bearded dragons can eat broccoli as part of a balanced diet. I 'm not sure about broccoli and celery but I think they can eat green vagetable. normally i gave my bearded dragon vagetable because they can get water from vagetable. Can bearded dragon eat broccoli? 43 Foods Bearded Dragons Can And Cannot Eat. I 'm not sure about broccoli and celery but I think they can eat green vagetable. However, they may not like its bitter, nutty, and pungent flavor. It’s a non-exhaustive list and I’ll keep updating it. Also, rapini has goitrogens and a … They don’t really need veggies other than leafy greens, as they eat insects as well. Can A Bearded Dragon Eat Broccoli A chinese tale sees the stars as the dragon who eats the sun or moon (possible represented by the north star polaris) in an eclipse.