This is also true if you work overtime. Some people define a month as 4 weeks. I think you need to … If … When I was an employee, I was on the cusp of going from hourly to salary, and quite frankly, I'm glad I was able to avoid the uncomfortable conversation of declining a promotion. A joke amongst the salaried employees is that once you've worked 4.01 hours you have worked a "full day." re: Going from hourly to salary Posted by East Coast Band on 2/19/18 at 12:45 pm to scott8811 Pros: ok to show up a tad late, taking a longer lunch, leaving a little early. I was no longer measured by the numbers of hours worked but by the quality of the work I was doing. Salary vs. … The hourly worker in this instance is earning a little over $17 an hour, but the salaried worker is averaging over $20 an hour. Employment So I'm a cook at a high end restaurant in Boston and I just got offered the sous chef position after working at the restaurant for a year. Hourly To Salary Exempt: A Step By Step Guide To Transitioning. Switching from hourly to salary, how should I negotiate? After all, employers naturally wish to give additional hours to their hungriest of staffers. Many people, myself included, have a moment in our professional lives when we decide to go from hourly to salary. When you hire employees on an hourly wage, whether it’s for a part-time or a full-time position, it means that they are non-exempt workers. The amount of overtime pay due is 1 1/2 times the regular hourly rate. It’s an important question that’s always doubtful while going from hourly to salary. By Suzanne Lucas April 2, 2012 / 9:56 AM / MoneyWatch Dear Evil HR Lady, I have 30 years of experience in high-tech marketing -- … Going from hourly to salary is like you said better for the company b/c they will not have to pay you as much as they would if you were hourly. I was no longer measured by the numbers of hours worked but by the quality of the work I was doing. It’s an important question that’s always doubtful while going from hourly to salary. That is the most important question you need to answer—when offered the opportunity to move from hourly to salary. If you are a salaried employee, you are paid for your work and not your time. The term non-exempt means hourly employees are not exempt from the overtime rules set out by the FLSA. For a quick estimate of your annual salary, double your hourly salary and add a thousand to the end. As long as you're up for the extra work, there's no reason not to take the raise. If you make $20 an hour, you make approximately $40,000 a year. Enter the number of hours you're going to work in a week (it defaults to 40). Note: For monthly salary, this calculator takes the yearly salary and divides it by 12 months. Typically, a move from hourly to salaried work comes with a promotion and additional responsibility. To convert hourly to salary, do the following: Enter the hourly rate in the "Hourly wage" box. You will have to abide by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the California Labor Code, both of which outline a number of wage rules that you are legally obligated to follow. I think you need to … In organizations where hourly and salary employees are employed, people view a move from an hourly or nonexempt position to a salary or exempt position as a promotion. However, before making this change, it’s important to understand the key differences between these two employment options and what to expect as you make the transition between hourly and salary.