The history of Easter involves a pagan festival celebrating the arrival of spring following the vernal equinox. Find out the surprising story behind this religious holiday. What does the Easter Bunny have to do with Jesus Christ? Taken together, the crucifixion and resurrection form the central events of the Christian faith. 11 months ago. Answer Save. ... "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." The idea came with German immigrants who had the idea of the Easter Hare, which in turn came from a folk tale about hares laying eggs, which in turn probably derives from the fact that hares make nests (not burrows) which look like bird's nests. When the Catholic church was trying to convert pagans, they would mix the pagan holidays with holidays the catholics celebrated as a way to try convincing the pagans that what they have been taught is false and that Jesus is the truth. Easter commemorates that resurrection, making it the most sacred of Christian holidays. In terms of more recent traditions the character that we in the West would call the “Easter Bunny”, in our minds, is often a big, almost lifelike, character. Easter Sunday is a religious holiday to some and a family holiday for others, but how did the bunny get involved? The rabbit has been an element of fertility worship, long before Christ came on the scene. The easter bunny and eggs started out as a pagan holiday. Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the ressurection of Jesus. A giant loveable and friendly white bunny … Anonymous. Easter is a Christian festival or holy-day that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion. This holiday isn't even mentioned in the Bible—so where did it really come from? They remain powerful religious symbols associated with the claim that Jesus conquered his own death. Favorite Answer. MP3; The Bible’s answer. 5 Answers. The Significance of Easter. Rabbits and eggs have nothing to do with Jesus. We're talking about his return from death, of course, three days after the Romans crucified him. We're talking about his return from death, of course, three days after the Romans crucified him. Where do Easter Bunny and Easter Egg traditions come from and what do they have to do with Easter? The celebration of Easter is not based on the Bible. For some, Easter Sunday is about the Easter Bunny, colorfully decorated Easter eggs, and Easter egg hunts. As it was eplained to me yesterday, Easter (the bunny,the eggs etc etc) Has nothing to do with Jesus, it was Roman observance called Eastertide, which followed the moon cycle, it was later on accepted and sort of adopted by the christian faith. Easter Bunny - What Does He Have To Do With Easter? What in the world does the Easter bunny have to do with Jesus? What do rabbits and eggs have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Relevance. Find out the surprising story behind this religious holiday. The Easter Bunny was not known in most countries until US culture started its takeover bid. Easter Bunny - What Does He Have To Do With Easter? ... "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Church Backgrounds Worship Backgrounds Easter Backgrounds Crucifixion Of Jesus Jesus Christ Savior What Is Easter Cross Background Background Pictures. This causes people to go buy rabbits on a whim during Easter. The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. Easter is simply a reminder of that. It's just some thing non-Christians do so that they have something to do during Easter. bunnies and eggs have nothing to do with jesus. Where did the name Easter originate? The Significance of Easter. Robin. The first Easter bunny legends were documented in the 1500s. Where do Easter Bunny and Easter Egg traditions come from and what do they have to do with Easter? i think catholics got the egg stuff going to symbolize fertility. Easter is simply a reminder of that. 0 0 0. This holiday isn't even mentioned in the Bible—so where did it really come from? Easter traditions and symbols have evolved over time, though some have been around for centuries. Most people understand that Easter Sunday has something to do with the resurrection of Jesus, but are confused as to how the resurrection is related to the Easter eggs and the Easter bunny.