Read story class of the titans by theresajaylove with 1,170 day Theresa was walking to the park alone. Yes, she got upset when Archie said he couldn't take orders from a junior, but that isn't proof she's the youngest. Headcanon with Fangelina . Mermaid Love by ThrashMetallix. Atlanta smild to Atian. 6 Favourites. Class of the Titans - Archie & Atlanta ... Class of the Titans - Archie & Atlanta See more. For example, the idea of Atlanta being the youngest. Archie and Atlanta (Class of the Titans) 5. Archie is my favorite. By, "be kind," I only mean don't review saying it's the worst thing ever, and that's it. Headcanon with Fangelina . 6 notes. Authoress' Note: Hello, this is my first Class of the Titans fanfiction! We are currently editing 372 articles and 2,107 images since August 2010. Flora and Phoebe as Dorothy and Alice. I did toy with the idea of making Atlanta a mermaid also while thinking up a pose, because that would be awesome and fucking with Archie is horribly fun, but I couldn't think of a good composition for them. 7 of the 21 in Danger shows were cancelled. 3 Comments. class of the titans fanfiction archie atlanta archlanta anonymous i never refuse a question! MORE LIKE THIS. ... writes fanfiction and draws fanart and there’s a stack of blogs and we’re never going to let the spirit of the show get left behind. THERESA THERESA!What is it Atlanta? Atlanta then jumped off Archie and was about to run up the stairs when Archie grabbed her hand and pulled her down on top of him again. Thanks. The wiki about Class of the Titans that anyone can edit! Please review if you haven't read this at FicWad. The entertainment site where fans come first. Herry's outfits thoughout the seasons. The wiki about Class of the Titans that anyone can edit! madiquin185. A female alternate counterpart to Harry Potter, Rhode is a Greek Demigod, the daughter of Poseidon and Lily Potter and the older half-sister to Percy Jackson and Tyson the Cyclops. Hey, I'm Lissa. ... Riku as Archie. Class of the Titans by historianGirl. 3 Comments. 4. Double D as Odie. - question and answer in the club. The series lasted from December 2005 to February 2008 for a total of 52 episodes in two seasons. ... Like it? Archie and Atlanta end up getting married and having twins; a girl with purple curls and a boy with red spikes. ... "Come on, let me show you to your room." By: Skates16. Class of the Titans. What kind of fan fiction do you read? Class of the Titans is a Canadian animated television series themed around Classical Mythology and created by Studio B Productions and Nelvana for Teletoon. It premiered on December 31, 2005 at 5 pm ET/PT on Teletoon with a special 90-minute presentation of the first three episodes. Archie and Atlanta end up getting married and having twins; a girl with purple curls and a boy with red spikes. Neil x Someone Else’s OC (I can’t remember the girl’s name, but I remember she was in a wheelchair and thought of herself as ugly, which contrasts Neil’s narcissistic mindset.