King Kong Parrot Fish: They are a different classification of parrot cichlids that, in general, has a more oval-shaped body, less protruded head, and have a normal closing mouth. The Blood Parrot can often be mixed up with its two counterparts, the King Kong parrot and the Super King Kong parrot. Blood Parrot Tank Mates, photo by ellenm1. Probably, the name of the fish “parrot” is due to its mouth shape or, maybe, due to its likeness with a marine parrotfish. King Kong Parrot Cichlid. Its parentage consists of the Midas cichlid and the red head cichlid. They grow more than blood parrot cichlids at approximately 30 centimeters and are typically more aggressive. Add as many Bettas as you like for $18-Fish Shipping as low as $18. I have a KK parrot, named “Taz” because of his crazy “I’m in charge here” behavior. Speaking of the subject walmart in a town about 25-30 miles from here has about four king kong parrots with three blood parrots marked as blood parrots of all the places to find miss marked fish and I probly would have pick one up if I wasn't on the clock but just didn't see wasting my gas to go buy a fish from walmart Blood parrot fish or blood parrot cichlid – is a hybrid of various cichlasoma species and it’s not encountered in the wild. Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed . KING KONG PARROT jumbo. Also just known as KKP or King Kong Blood Parrot. They are usually considered more valuable than the traditional blood parrots. These low quality parrots are being mistaken as King Kong Parrots because they posses normal closing mouths rather than the upside down triangle mouth and they do not posses the hump like body. king kong parrot fish cichlid. UP FOR SALE IS ONE 10" PLUS TRUE KING KONG BLOOD PARROT IMPORTED. This listing is for one male approx. These two species are much larger than the blood parrot, so be sure when purchasing your fish that you don’t accidentally purchase one of these giants! Blood parrots are a man-made hybrid. For sale beautiful male Blood Red King Kong Parrot cichlids. Most people will say “blood parrots are aggressive fish” and as much as that might be true, you can still house other fish with them. ... RED PARROT CICHLID The main attraction other than its color of this fish is because they are so responsive to people. Blood Parrot Cichlid Care & Breeding. He’s a little more disk shaped, but that could be just because he eats more. A King Kong Parrot is a type of parrot cichlid. King Kong Blood Parrot Cichlid. You are buying one pair of breeding parrot fish. They have fully functioning mouths with less of a nuchal deformity and grow larger. Offering juvenile parrot cichlids from smaller sizes to young breeding pairs. Add To Cart. The fish has rather specific body shape and a very small mouth. The fish has rather specific body shape and a very small mouth. Though long thought to be a hybrid between two cichlid species, the fish known commonly as "Parrot Cichlids", "Blood Parrots", or "King Kong Parrots" are cultivated deformities of the cichlid Amphilophus citrinellus, commonly known as the Midas Cichlid.These fish have short, squat bodies and their mouths do not close completely. They are one of the only two species found in the Exotic-Aquariums Fish Care & Breeding Guide entirely of man-made origins. These two species are much larger than the blood parrot, so be sure when purchasing your fish that you don’t accidentally purchase one of these giants! Buy Parrot Fish and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Blood parrot tank mates are definitely a possibility, but you must choose the right fish to co-exist with your blood parrot. Parrot Cichlids for Sale: wild red devils cichlids from Lake Apoyo Nicaragua Parrot Cichlid Breeder Pair. Shop all fish goldfish, betta & more online