Our outdoor specimens survived undamaged the January 2007 freeze (3 nights at 25° with just a blanket of frost cloth thrown over them). Genus/Species Common Name Abutilon chitendenii Indian Mallow Acacia farnesiana Sweet … Continue reading → greenfuturepflanzenhandel . This is a fine shade tree as well as a show stopper bloomer suitable for bonsai treatment as well. > Pink shaving brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) RARE ENDEMIC TREES FROM SOUTHAMERICA & MEXICO BUY RARE SUCULENT. Pseudobombax ellipticum is winter deciduous. Click on both the scientific and common names to see a different image. En República Dominicana es conocido como Carolina. Pink Bombax - Pseudobombax ellipticum 9/19/2016 Comments . Pseudobombax deriva de pseudo o falso y bombax, algodón. They tolerate temperatures in high 20°s for short time periods. Another name in Hawaii is the shaving brush tree. We ship only the best trees, ... tropical cedar live plants for sale. Description: Pseudobombax ellipticum, best known as Bombax ellipticum, is a fabulously attractive fast-growing deciduous tree with a smooth green caudiciform trunk that can reach 18(-20) m in height.Coveted for it's unique brush-like flowers in late winter, the leaves are an attraction as well. Brilliant pink blossoms in spring. Plants grown in a container develop a fat trunk resembling a turtle's shell. 1 Neem … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pseudobombax Ellipticum bombax exotic shaving brush tree bottle bonsai plant 6" at the best online … Serra Gardens Landscape Succulents Price List All plants, in sizes from 4-inch pots to 48-inch boxes, are available for pick up at our growing grounds in Fallbrook, CA. Pseudobombax ellipticum 'Red' (Red Shaving Brush Tree) - A winter deciduous that can reach 30 feet or more with a trunk diameter of over 4 feet in its tropical native habitat but is seen here cultivated in California as a shrub and usually as a squat growing specimen in a large container. Pseudobombax ellipticum, (Kunth) Dugand => Pink Shaving Brush Tree. Source: (Majesty I, 1982) Ships in 4 pot. Origin: Mexico and Central America. Many of our plants are available for mail order purchase in one-gallon sizes or cuttings, shipped bare root. Image Source: Tatina Gerus (Wiki Commons) Tropical American tree. Beauti Pseudobombax Ellipticum bombax. Leaves opposite, simple, broadly ovate or elliptic to nearly orbicular, 2.5-8cm long, margin coarsely toothed, dark green above, lighter below, 3-5 conspicuous veins from the base. Ellipticum Shaving Brush Bonsai sale with large choices, Ellipticum Shaving Brush Bonsai for sale at Ebay!