The second section provides the contact details for the Husbandry Manuals known to us from the taxonomic group you have selected, listed by Taxonomic Family. Although dissimilar in overall appearance, gophers have been united with kangaroo rats into a common superfamily for a considerable time. Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. This provides a basis for comparison and communication between organisms. Thakhek is a town in south-central Laos on the Mekong River and facing Nakhon Phanom across the river in northeastern Thailand. By classifying organisms, we can group new organisms with already identified ones. To better understand why Sciurus carolinensis fits into each particular classification, I have provided some simplified explanations below. Diatomyidae (Laotian rock rat) Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) Phiomorpha Bathyergidae (Blesmols) Petromuridae (Dassie rat) تریونومیس Caviomorpha (New World hystricognaths) Erethizontidae (New World porcupines) کاویده Cuniculidae (Pacas) Dasyproctidae (Agoutis … It is the capital of Khammouane Province.The city has many French colonial style official buildings, villas and shops. Western scientists first encountered the Laotian rock rat - kha-nyou in Thakhek's market. Diatomyidae (Laotian rock rat) Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) Phiomorpha Bathyergidae (Blesmols) Petromuridae (Dassie rat) تریونومیس Caviomorpha (New World hystricognaths) Erethizontidae (New World porcupines) کاویده Cuniculidae (Pacas) Dasyproctidae (Agoutis … If the contact details for a specific Manual has changed or you know of, or are searching for, a specific Manual which is not listed here, please contact me and I will endeavour to assist. This page was last changed on 10 March 2013, at 05:47. Geomyoidea is a superfamily of rodent that contains the pocket gophers (), the kangaroo rats and mice (Heteromyidae), and their fossil relatives.. Characteristics.