Yogurt comes from milk and therefore, it is loaded with several essential nutrients like calcium,vitamin B-2,vitamin B-12,potassium, and magnesium. It also has high amounts of nutrients and minerals that ensures good health. Strengthen bones. Prevent cancer. Research points that there is a difference between buffalo milk in comparison to other variants of milk. Improves heart health. Milk has versatile uses for the hair and skin. 3. Health Benefits. To get the full benefits of milk, including the nine essential nutrients, the USDA says adults should consume three servings of milk (or cheese or yogurt) each day. The majority of the benefits you can get from drinking buffalo milk apply equally to the standard cow’s milk you have probably grown up drinking. Great Source Of Protein. Milk nutrition is necessary for the human body as the protein in milk for muscles growth reasonable for calcium which is … Apply a generous amount of buttermilk throughout the length of hair after washing your hair, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Acidity reduction. Bone Strength. Thus, before purchasing any type of milk, it is very important to ensure that it is of good quality. Also, the abundant calcium in milk dilates the blood vessels and strengthens the cardiac muscles. Thus, cow ghee and buffalo ghee has its own good and bad side but the ghee prepared out of cow’s milk is considered to have more medicinal properties and good for heart patient and children. Having 200-300 mL of milk a day was found to cut heart disease risk by 7%. Regularly drinking buffalo milk can also protect you against osteoporosis. Malai or cream milk has smooth textures and it also can soften your skin. Health Benefits of Drinking Buffalo Milk. Not only is it tasty, but it has numerous health benefits, too. An advantage with yogurt is that it is light on the stomach and easier to digest than milk. So, the place with limit of availability of cow’s milk, sheep’s milk is limited then the alternative is to consume this milk. Cow's milk has been a part of the human diet for hundreds of thousands of years. It is also a rich source of iron. Prevent illness including- respiratory problems, dental decay, hypertension, osteoporosis, obesity. It also has high amounts of nutrients and minerals that ensures good health. Buffalo milk is extremely rich in calcium and essential for your bone and dental health. Milk contains high amounts of calcium that we need for the healthy growth and strength of our bones and muscles. Although the goat, buffalo and camel milk are used on a regular basis cow milk is the most consumed milk all over the world. 4. Use milk as a part of your beauty regimen and notice the difference. The goodness of milk can replace all the expensive beauty ingredients. 1. A raw milk benefits and dairy milk benefits can help you a lot for achieving good health. It's good for you. Buffalo milk is both higher in calories and fats but is actually lower in sodium and cholesterol. Buffalo milk is not a popular form of milk, but it is bestowed with varied health benefits. Similarities of Cow milk vs buffalo milk . Soften skin. ; Both the milks calm Pitta and help to relieve burning sensation. Also, checkout the health benefits of other Low Calorie Dairy Products, which you can include in your diet, to keep yourself fit and fine. Rajan Singh Jolly. Make skin smoother and shinier. The uses of milk have increased day to day for different purposes. It is also a good source of minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. "Milk has been used for hundreds of years to infuse the skin and hair with proteins and vitamins," she says. Updated on January 25, 2019. Contact Author. It acts as a cleanser, toner, moisturiser and a hair conditioner too. Here are some health benefits of milk as follows-. Buffalo milk is wonderful for healthy bones, dental health and cardiovascular health. Cow milk and buffalo milk calm down the pitta and thus, help to get rid of a burning sensation in the body. Buffalo milk has a number of health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, builds strong bones, heart health, and improve blood circulation. So, go ahead—drink your milk. Rajan is a botany and chemistry major. This makes sheep milk extremely important for growth and development, as complete proteins are essential for … Drinking milk for stronger nails, teeth and hair These are two of the benefits I have with milk but I’m a believer that milk provides a host of other beauty benefits too such as strong nails, teeth and bones. Milk contains high amounts of calcium that we need for the healthy growth and strength of our bones and muscles. Buffalo milk also has much higher Vitamin A content than cow’s milk (which is … Mostly, Cow ghee is used for this purpose than buffalo. Buffalo milk provides high amounts of calcium, a mineral needed for bone development. Boosts Skin Health. more . Benefits of Malai on Skin for softening skin could be your concern. A cup of whole cow milk has around 3.25 % of milk fat. How Much Milk? Possessing more calcium than cow milk, buffalo milk helps in preventing the onset of osteoporosis and improves your bone strength and resilience [13]. Due to having multiple health benefits cow milk … No doubt consuming a good amount of Buffalo Curd will keep you healthy.