Pink Flamingos protect themselves by pecking predators with their beaks in a fast jerk like motion. Flamingo, (order Phoenicopteriformes), any of six species of tall, pink wading birds with thick downturned bills. Pink Flamingos protect themselves by pecking predators with their beaks in a fast jerk like motion. Flamingos have slender legs, long, graceful necks, large wings, and short tails. Flamingos are monogamous with their mate and they stay together while laying one egg per year. They also use loud noises to scare away threats. If they can find out about the predator soon enough they will be able to fly away but many of these predators are sneaky, fast, and blend in well to the surroundings. Pink Flamingos are whatever they want themselves to be. Once mating is complete, a pair … These include raccoons and mink, who mainly eat eggs and newly hatched chicks, and large snakes like the python. The lesser flamingo is preyed upon by lions, leopards, cheetahs, and jackals. Flamingos are very social and live, breed and feed in flocks that can consist of thousands of individuals. Greater flamingos live and feed in groups called flocks or colonies. These include raccoons and mink, who mainly eat eggs and newly hatched chicks, and large snakes like the python. By the time young flamingos reach 3 - 5 years of age they will have reached sexual maturity and gained their full adult plumage. The plain appearance of females makes them less noticeable to predators. It is believed that flamingos are monogamous, according to … Flamingos also stay in large groups to avoid and confuse predators. Flocks there are no flamingos in America. Flamingo's protect themselves by pecking at their predators if attacked or threatened. In the Bahamas, wild pigs prey on flamingos on Great Inagua Island. Greater flamingos also breed while gathered in groups. Then also work as a team to keep the egg warm and safe for about 30 days until it hatches. Flamingos are often unique as they feed their young crop milk. Pink Flamingos protect themselves by pecking predators with their beaks in a fast jerk like motion. Past that, the hatching of eggs and raising of young is left to the females, who do not feature vivid colors. Flamingos are able to protect themselves by kicking with their long legs or pinching with their strong bills. A handful of other animals prey on flamingos when the opportunity arises. The colony works together to protect each other from predators and to take care of the young. When the chicks are old enough to walk they gather together in creches that are watched over by a few adult birds. Elephants use their trunks and their tusks to protect themselves from predators. They have the advantage of a long neck to reach the predators. A plant’s main predators are the animals that feed on them. They find safety in numbers, which helps to protect individual birds from predators while their heads are down in the mud. Colonies of flamingos can range in size from 50 individuals to thousands of members. That is why Flamingos have more of a problem with these types of predators than they ever did in the past. They range from about 90 to 150 cm (3 to 5 feet) tall. Other Predators. They protect themselves is by traveling in a large group called a flock. The brightly colored males stay away from the nest to protect it from predation. One reason they do this is to protect themselves from predators; they are much safer in a large group than alone, especially when feeding with their head in the water. They use their excellent hearing and vocal sounds to warn others in their flock. Flamingos also stay in large groups to avoid and confuse predators. Other Predators. A large flock of angry flamingo's could easily face a lone large predator. These range from tiny insects that chew their way through leaves to large mammals that eat whole plants. These predators vary according to the species of flamingo and environment in which the flamingo lives. The Great Migration. Flamingos like in large groups to protect themselves from predators. According to a couple sources, predators include: * jackals and other wild dogs * snakes * large cats (lions, etc) * vultures and other large birds * humans * wild pigs * and more To keep small predators at bay, many plants have a mat of fine hairs on the surface of their leaves. Since most of their food source is located underwater, this lives them vulnerable to predators. The Flamingo has only one line of defense and that is their very powerful legs. Pythons have also been known to attack flamingos. Flamingo's protect themselves by pecking at their predators if attacked or threatened. Young Flamingos are fed crop milk that the parents both produce instead of regurgitated foods as other birds provide for their young. They are in control of their lives. They help each other construct the nest and they protect it from enemies and other flamingos that want the site. Flamingos also stay in large groups to avoid and confuse predators. Flamingos also stay in large groups to avoid and confuse predators. Adult elephants have very few predators, except humans, due to their massive size and superior strength.