Indeed, we believe that Leviticus helps us understand the work of Christ. As Christians we understand that Leviticus is God’s word for our good. The whole of the Book of Leviticus is dominated by the outworking, or actualization, of Exodus 19:6—”and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Thus, central to an understanding of Leviticus is an understanding of what it means to be holy. Recent posts on this blog have explored how Trinitarian, incarnational theology informs our understanding of the book of Exodus.We now look at how it informs our understanding of the book of Leviticus. would be more accurate. The key personalities of Leviticus include Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu Eleazar, and Ithamar. Now Moses In the same-sex marriage debate there is increasing reluctance by believers to mention the book of Leviticus. Perhaps drudgery would be more accurate. The Leviticus account begins with the second year of the Exodus, when the Hebrews are already in the middle of the wilderness. I would highly recommend for those interested in searching God’s word themselves to consider Kay Arthur’s 7 week Precept upon Precept study of the … As the fourth commandment In this coming week’s study I will attempt to not only familiarize you with this book, but also explain how it positively affects the debate. If you have been following the Robert Murray M’Cheyne reading plan with the church family, then you finished reading the book of Leviticus. It was written to draw the Israelites to the understanding of the infinite holiness of God, and that He desires them to act in a … Sinai. Thus, Leviticus is best explained as a guidebook for instructing God's people about holy living and worship. As we “The book of Leviticus was the first book studied by a Jewish child; yet is often among the last books of the Bible to be studied by a Christian. While the book addresses issues of the Levites’ responsibilities, much more significantly, all the priests are instructed in how they are to assist the people in worship, and the people are informed about how to live a holy life. It shows us in pictorial form what God expects from those who have been redeemed. The key to understanding Leviticus is to recognize that it articulates a vision of life restored to its original order and purpose. Some people, and some Christians, cherry-pick verses from the book of Leviticus and use them either to defend or excuse certain viewpoints or practices. Understanding the book of Leviticus serves to increase our appreciation and devotion to our great God. Purpose & Title Exodus concludes with the glory of God’s personal presence filling the newly constructed Tabernacle. The setting of Leviticus mainly appears to take place at Mt. You shall be holy; for I am holy" (11:44) simply names the basic condition of having God as a neighbor. Leviticus is not a book that we tend to spend a lot of time in. In this coming week’s study, I will attempt to not only familiarize you with this book, but also explain how it impacts the debate. UNDERSTANDING THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS FOR TODAY n the same-sex marriage debate there is increasing reluctance by believers to mention the Book of Leviticus. October 8, 2018 By Ralph Drollinger. New Testament writers quote the book of Leviticus over 15 times. UNDERSTANDING THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS FOR TODAY n the same-sex marriage debate there is increasing reluctance by believers to mention the Book of Leviticus. It may have even been your first time reading the book. Leviticus is about the redemption of ruined man. ” 2 Today’s readers are often put off by the book’s lists of laws regarding diet, sacrifice, and social behavior. Everything from sexual conduct to the handling of food, to instructions for worship and religious celebrations, is covered in detail in the book of Leviticus. I’m going to take a chance and suggest that delight is not the first word that comes to mind. In the previous book the Tent already figured with its altars and regulations about the worship to be given to Yahweh.