6. As mentioned above, even if a fish does eat poop, it still requires a sufficient high-quality diet. share. However, rely on this fact or just scooping it will not solve the poop problem in your fish tank. As waste breaks down, it produces ammonia. However, most of the time, the lumpy and/or white stringy feces (or sometimes even yellow poop) in discus fish is a sign of fecal disorders such as internal diseases and in particular, parasitic infections. Not only do overfed fish poop more, but any uneaten food rots, leading to even more nitrates. White feces in fish, also called white stringy poop, is a fairly common symptom in both freshwater and marine aquarium fish which not always accompanies a certain disease. Algae contains some cellulose, but there is generally not enough to satisfy fish in the average aquarium. my fish poop a lot. Ammonia will directly harm your fish by burning the sensitive tissues of their gills. ... My 10+ year old aquarium, have it almost the half of my life! Fish excrements will naturally perish thanks to the Nitrogen cycle which breaks it down into ammonium and nitrate. Only they’re going to add to the amount of poop in the tank, as they are extra fish that still need to be fed. i try not to overfeed them. When you’re new at it, however, it’s easy to do things that might not be good for your fish or your stress level. My tank has lots of fish poop what to do. As mentioned above, even if a fish does eat poop, it still requires a sufficient high-quality diet. Herbivorous fish should simply be fed a lot of green foods instead of pellets or flakes. FishLab Fact: Overfeeding is the number one cause of high nitrate levels in aquariums. Many fish grow larger after they are purchased, and some fish are territorial and become aggressive when crowded with other fish. A second bacteria, called nitrobacter, then feeds on the nitrites and produces nitrates.. Nitrates are then removed from your aquarium each time you perform a water change. Just as exposure to gaseous ammonia will harm our lungs (at 35ppm atmospheric concentration, it can cause irreversible health problems in as little as 15 minutes of exposure), exposure to ammonia in aquarium water can harm your fish's gills. Close. Huge poops hanging out of my fish? 1. Aquarium keeping is a fun and rewarding activity that can provide years of enjoyment, education and even stress relief. This, mixed with waste being a natural part of any living being, the fish eating the poop is still going to poop! Overstocking your aquarium comes in as a close second – watch that bioload! fish poop - Tropical Fish Keeping - Aquarium fish care and resources The danger of excessive nitrates in aquariums is often misunderstood by aquarium hobbyists. Goldfish, severums, silver dollars and mbuna are examples of fish that will happily graze on soft aquatic plants in lieu of other foods.