The leatherback sea turtle is a reptile of the order Testudines (click to read about this order at Wikipedia). Leatherback Sea Turtles. ... About the Leatherback Sea Turtle. The leatherback sea turtle is the most unique of all sea turtle species. Them draw the feet from the bottom oval using rectangles, and add eyes and a mouth to the face. If you are studying sea turtles you can easily make a simple model of one using a Styrofoam ball, Styrofoam sheets, and tissue paper. Leatherbacks are occasionally injured or killed by boats. You can add a pattern to the shell before erasing the extra lines and coloring the turtle! Adult leatherback sea turtles grow up to 2.4 meters (8 feet) long and can weigh 0.91 metric tons (1 ton). I'd like to do a stencil card with a sea turtle on the edge for a coworkers birthday. It's just a guide. The circle doesn't have to be perfect. Download or print this amazing coloring page: Coloring Page See more Step 2: Draw a long arc on the left side of the circle to finish up the guide for the sea turtle's shell. Sketch the top oval into a shell shape with curved edges, and darken the outline of the body. It has a distinctive look because of this leathery appearance and the ridges that run down its back. pencil drawings of turtles and sea turtle drawing easy sea turtle - easy sea turtle Does anyone have a sea turtle file? The length of the arc should be a little bit more than the width of the circle. One of the endangered species is the leatherback—the largest sea turtle. They are easy and fun to make. The largest of all sea turtles, and one of the largest reptiles on earth, the leatherback turtle ranges in size from 4-8 feet in length (1.2 - 2.4 meters) and weighs between 500-2,000 pounds (225 - 900 kg). Range: Most widely distributed of all sea turtles. With its streamlined body shape and the powerful front flippers, a leatherback can swim thousands of miles over open ocean and against fast currents. Step 1: Draw a circle as a guide for the front part of the sea turtle's shell. In the world of scientists, veterinarians, and those working to protect animals, turtles are called Chelonia. ... which records the discovery of sea creatures such as whales, porpoises, dolphins and sharks. Leatherbacks migrate the farthest of all sea turtles, and dive the deepest. Discover why this massive, deep-diving sea turtle that survived the demise of dinosaurs is now struggling to survive the threats of humans. The leatherback sea turtle is so named because it has a soft leathery shell. ... "Leatherback turtles are … Leatherback sea turtle nesting sites are destroyed by development. As the only living member of the family Dermochelyidea, they are the largest living turtle species and have the greatest migratory distribution of any reptile on the planet. For more tips, like how to draw a sea turtle, scroll down! Leatherback turtle found washed up in Essex. Leatherback Sea Turtle Facts For Kids: Quick Reference. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a turtle in just a few quick steps, but first… Before snakes, lizards and crocodiles, turtles are one of the oldest of reptiles, dating back 215 million years! They are dark green to black with pinkish-white spots and have a leathery shell (carapace) made strong by tiny, boney plates.