Yes we all can give our opinions and you know what people say about opinions, it's just why not try and give the snake a chance and give it to a snake rescue place in your area? For many snakes, hibernation is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and they should be hibernated every year to prevent stress and illness. the vet said we can continue to force feed him and hope he gets better or put him to sleep...I dont know what to do?? This makes many wonder how do snakes sleep? However, there is a wide range in the reasons why a veterinarian will euthanize an animal. In all seriousness, what animal that you know of that does not have eyelids to sleep. This is a very interesting question because it seems quite odd that these reptiles would be able to sleep without eyelids. Ok so I have a ball python that I bought about a year ago. ! For more information about how do snakes sleep, go to my Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes home page. It's best to leave it to a qualified person such as a vet or the humane society to put him to sleep. I knew it was Wild caught and she was a proven breeder as well. Sleep Tight, Little Snake. For more information about how do snakes sleep, go to my Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes home page. Snakes may sleep in burrows in the ground or even trees . I had my snake put to sleep today. About a month ago, I began noticing that my Ball Python, Winchester, was acting strangely. Other snakes do not necessarily require hibernation, but owners may choose to hibernate them for various reasons. ps, the vet took alot of tests and he has nothing wrong medically ! Sleep is important in the human biology, but the benefits of sleep in snakes are not well studied and more information is needed. ps, the vet took alot of tests and he has nothing wrong medically !! I ve just got back from a carboot sale where i bought cat food/items from an old couple who told me their cat of 17 years old had just died and they had to pay £195 to have the cat put to sleep. Veterinarians are not required to euthanize animals, but the vast majority will do so at some point. She was fine when I got her but soon after my first attempt to breed her about 6 months ago she completely refused food. seeing some of the discussions were really interesting for me, and i think beneficial for some of us that are new enough to not have dealt with dead snakes yet. Snakes may sleep in burrows in the ground or even trees . He used to be a very active snake, often exploring his enclosure and slithering around the various props within it, but I had begun to notice that he was acting more apathetic then usual. Sleep is important in the human biology, but the benefits of sleep in snakes are not well studied and more information is needed. a followup to my most recent question (how do you dispose of your deceased snakes?).