Red Masai are known for being resistant to internal parasites. Masai are red-brown, occasionally pied. Also known as Tanganyika, the Red Maasai is a native sheep breed traditionally reared by the Maasai community in East Africa. Today crossbreeds are the majority, and pure Red Maasai sheep are less common, making the future of the breed uncertain. The Red Maasai sheep are used only for meat. The breed is originated from East Africa. Red Maasai sheep serves as the main food for local Maasai communities. The coat color is distinguished. Red Maasai has a fat-tail which is the source of fat storage that helps in drought conditions. Mwingi farmer Charles Kalili expects to earn more than Sh977,500 from the sale of his sheep and goats at the end of the year after a water harvesting project enabled him to increase his livestock herd from 20 to 63 goats, and sheep from 20 to 52. The Red Maasai sheep are resistant to drought and local parasites. The crossbred sheep sell from Sh6,000 — Sh8,000 each and the pure Red Maasai goes for between Sh5,000 and Sh7,000 each. The breed is also known by some other names such as Red Masai, Masai and Tanganyika Short-tailed. was ranked highly with regard to traits important for ation and social purposes, the adapt population was considered to decline in numbers of pure bred Red Maasai. The Red Masai is also an improved hair sheep used to cross breed with the Dorper. To give you some brief background knowledge, the Maasai are a semi-nomadic people from East Africa who are known for their unique way of life, as well as their cultural traditions and customs. The Wensleydale sheep is a breed of domestic sheep from United Kingdom. Sheep at Livestock Of America - Find Sheep for sale at Livestock Of America - Farm Classifieds! Red Masai. The breed is also known by some other names such as Red Masai, Masai and Tanganyika Short-tailed. Masai are red-brown and occasionally pied. Last but not least is the Aoudad (shown at left) . It is one of the largest and heaviest of all sheep breeds. The number of one-year-old sheep available for sale in the Red Maasai flock was three times higher than in the Dorper flock (Baker et al. Discover (and save!) But both smallholder farmers and pastoralists in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania also keep flocks of these animals. Females are usually polled. Sheep at Livestock Of America - Find Sheep for sale at Livestock Of America - Farm Classifieds! He rears two breeds, a ‘hairless’ indigenous breed known as the Red Maasai or Tanganyika short-tailed, which was traditionally kept by Maasai […] The breed is popular in south west Kenya and north Tanzania. This introduction has made our Red Sheep some of the largest anywhere in the world. One limitations of the breed is the deposition of too much subcutaneous fat. We here at Circle H Ranch have improved our red sheep herd by introducing our own mix of Armenian Mouflon and Transcaspian Urial hybrids to our existing group of Red Sheep.