1: Sharks are extremely dangerous, and if one is around, you’re probably going to be bitten.Simply being around a shark does not mean that the shark is about to bite. Whenever a member of the group is in danger from a shark, the rest of the pod rushes in to defend their buddy. When Jaws was released in the summer of 1975, it … Humans are like ungainly packets of meat when paddling in the ocean and should be easy prey compared to fast-moving fish and seals. 1. So why are people so afraid of sharks? - Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at Palace Hotel & Casino, Douglas, Isle of … Eventbrite - The Isle of Man Business Network presents Why aren't sharks scared of humans? Smart News Keeping you current Great White Sharks Are Completely Terrified of Orcas A new study shows the apex predators will flee their hunting grounds and … So just how many people do sharks attack? The livers of great white sharks are an orca delicacy They are nature’s best predator No really, don’t go in the water, Fallows C, Gallagher AJ, Hammerschlag N Perfected through evolution, sharks are killing machines. Sharks actually attack dolphins on occasion, but sharks are wary of them because dolphins have excellent detection skills in the water, are highly intelligent, attack in groups and occasionally protect other mammals including humans even if they aren’t part of the dolphin’s pod. But there is actually a good reason. (This is according to a 2013 study by the peer-reviewed journal Marine Policy.) “While sharks kill an average of four humans a year, humans kill 100 million sharks each year,” he writes. Sharks are solitary predators, whereas dolphins travel in groups called pods. Myth No. Part of the reason can be traced to the Hollywood treatment. I agree with Linda Wilson that “afraid” is likely not the right word. Sharks like to eat animals that are smaller than them - they particularly like to eat young (baby) dolphins. Great question! It does seem sort of crazy that sharks would be scared of dolphins. Dolphins, however, are … Dolphins have even been known to protect humans in danger of sharks. Apex Prey. The parasite first invades the body, lays eggs that end up in many tissues, and causes symptoms such as anemia that … Based on other observations of interactions between whales and sharks in California's waters, it seems that great whites have good reason to flee. The humble freshwater snail isn’t harmful on its own, but 200,000 people die on an annual basis because it carries a parasite called schistosomiasis..