It also will usually come back every year and reseeds freely. Michigan Native Butterfly Farm was established to promote awareness of the life cycle, habitat, and conservation of indigenous butterfly species and raise healthy, vibrant Monarch and Painted Lady butterflies for education, exhibits, and memorable wedding and special occasion butterfly releases. West Coast Lady (Vanessa annabella) As the West Coast Lady's name implies, this beautiful butterfly is found in the Western U.S. She enjoys basking on open ground, but may flutter off at approaching footsteps. This is the characteristic that distinguishes it from Painted Lady butterfly. Painted lady caterpillars feed on a variety of host plants, particularly thistle, mallow, and hollyhock. They are mostly seen during the springtime flying relatively lower, close to the ground level. The adult painted lady nectars on many plants, especially the composite flowers of the Asteraceae plant family. The American Lady is beautifully colored with two large eye spots on the underside of the hind wings. You will also need to include plants for butterfly eggs and larvae in your butterfly garden too. Many butterfly species have adapted to feed upon non-native plants if the plants are in the same family as the native ... American lady: pussytoes (Antennaria spp. Nymphalidae The American Painted Lady is a species of common North American butterflies with bright coloration. It is not enough to just have plants and weeds that attract butterflies. Ribgrass Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) - Butterfly Host Plant. This is a photo of C. glabra, native to the Northeast, which is definitely its larval host plant.The more commonly-available pink chelone varieties (C. lyonii) is NOT a host plant, though it's often advertised as such. Shady Oak Butterfly Farm. QUESTION: I am looking for host plants for the Painted Lady Butterfly that I can plant in my school's (I am a teacher) native plant/butterfly garden. Erica says. Red Spotted Purple. American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) This lady loves open areas and enjoys visiting gardens. Similar in appearance to Painted Lady, white spot in orange square and two eye-spots instead of four distinguish American Lady. American Lady Butterfly Life Cycle Stages and Times ... It’s a preferred host plant for american lady butterflies. BUTTERFLY CATERPILLAR HOST PLANT BUTTERFLY NECTAR SOURCE American Painted Lady Everlasting, Daisy, Burdock Aster, Dogbane, Goldenrod, Mallow, Privet, Vetch American Snout Hackberry Aster, Dogbane, Dogwood, Goldenrod, Pepperbush Anise Swallowtail Queen Anne's Lace Buddleia, Joe Pye Weed Baltimore Checkerspot Turtlehead, False Foxglove, Plantain Milkweed, … $18.00 . Butterfly Host Plants. Each plant will be followed by its food status (Host = host plants for butterflies and caterpillars) (Nectar = Nectar sources for adult butterflies) plus a list of butterfly species attracted to it. The other host plant for American ladies that we grow is pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea). Hackberry Tree – Celtis occidentalis – host for Hackberry, American Snout, Question Mark and Comma. The larvae also feed on other members of the Aster/Sunflower family such as yarrows and sunflowers. Common Buckeye – Junonia coenia Common Buckeye butterflies are found in the southern half of the US and the eastern side of the northern half of the United States. The common name ‘Pussytoes’ comes from the resemblance of the tight flower clusters to a cat’s paw, especially when the flowers are still in bud. Willows – host for Red Spotted Purple and Viceroy. Butterfly host plants are the specific plants that butterflies lay their eggs on or near so that their caterpillar larvae can eat the plant before forming its chrysalis. The American Lady feeds on nectar from a variety of flowers, and also on tree sap and decaying fruit. Size depends on the variety. It only has one flaw – it can cause a rash. 60′ tall and 60′ wide. This article is the first in a series on butterfly plants. Both the common and scientific… Title: Native host plants for Painted Lady Butterfly Answered by: Nan Hampton . I keep mine trimmed back to 7 feet tall. Turtlehead (Chelone) is a host plant for the beautiful little Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly. This garden-worthy groundcover will grow in sun or shade, and tolerates dry conditions. American Lady caterpillar ©Janet Allen. This bush-like tree is a good option for those growing with less space, since it grows to only about 20 feet high. Southern Cloudywing (Thorybes bathyllus): American Potato-Bean (Apios americana), Englemann's Milk-vetch (Astragalus distortus var. American Snout. The American lady butterfly in the photo above is laying an egg on pussytoes (Antennaria), one of its host plants. ... American Painted Lady Host Plants The Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) is a Host Butterfly Plant for Giant Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillars. Host plants include plants in the sunflower family, asters, pussytoes, everlasting, evax, ironweed, cudweed. Tropical Buckeye butterflies Junonia evarete are found… TheMangrove Buckeye Junonia genoveva is found in the southwestern United States and in the southern tip of Florida. Seen from above, the Lady's wings are a vivid orange, with a … It will form a carpet of soft gray-green foliage, and throughout much of Alabama, American Ladies are almost sure to find it.