Its different names are due to its variety of colour morphs. I’ll soon be stocking a 75g tank as a beginner and hope to keep an electric blue crayfish from the local pet store. For blue Dempsey, compatibility with fish of equal sizes is not a problem. My question is - Are these good tank mates. There's also an assortment of bottom dwellers including several species of pleco, synodontis, loaches, and I believe there's a large pictus or two as well. One fish requires at least 200-liters (44 gallons) capacity tank, for a couple it makes 400 liters (88 gallons) correspondingly. Its scientific name is Labidochromis caeruleus. I have six 2" Zebra Obliquidens in a 90 gallon tank and I have a chance to pick up a pair or so of Electric Blue Acaras. What Size Aquarium Do Electric Blue Acaras Need? These fish are peaceful, and in the tank will get along with most species. I’ll soon be stocking a 75g tank as a beginner and hope to keep an electric blue crayfish from the local pet store. While not as aggressive as some species of cichlid, the electric blue hap will eat smaller fish. I plan on getting 5-10 more tetras for a nice size school (they only had 5 left) and 1 more Whiptail. PS - The only other fish in this tank are four 4" seldom seen Spotted Raphaels. German Blue Rams are the perfect Cichlids for a community aquarium. I just went my local fish store yesterday and picked up an Electric Blue Acara (about 2 inches long), 5 Serpae Tetras, and 1 Whiptail Catfish.I wanted to do Angelfish originally but once I saw the Acara I couldn't let it go. These fish can be kept with non-Cichlids and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids. This is a right fish for those aquarists who want to keep large American cichlids in their tank. I've had them for about 2 weeks and switching to a 55 gal next month for their comfort. Not me personally, but the show tank in my LPS has several blue acara along with a severum, green terror, a few other unidentified American cichlids and several of the larger + more peaceful Africans (frontosa, peacock etc). Tank Mates for Blue Acaras Banded Cichlids make great tank mates. Fish guide for Electric Blue Hap, Sciaenochromis fryeri profile with fish pictures, description and information, Electric Blue cichlid care, diet, habitat, fish diseases, cichlid breeding, Sciaenochromis fryeri tank mates, compatibility and keeping the Hap Ahli cichlid aquarium Norm Allow 15 gallons of water for each additional Acara you add. Fish guide for Electric Blue Hap, Sciaenochromis fryeri profile with fish pictures, description and information, Electric Blue cichlid care, diet, habitat, fish diseases, cichlid breeding, Sciaenochromis fryeri tank mates, compatibility and keeping the Hap Ahli cichlid aquarium Is a 55 gallon big enough for me to comfortably add any new tank mates? I fell in love with a blue acara, did a bit of reading about him, and brought him home. It would be best to place other aggressive cichlids of similar size, and also from Lake Malawi in the same aquarium with the Electric Blue Hap. Just wondering if anyone has experience housing Blue Dempseys with smaller cichlids. These cichlids require large tanks with quality filtration, but they are comparatively easy to keep. The Electric Blue Cichlid, or as some older aquarists might refer to as an Electric Blue Hap, is one of the most stunning African cichlids available in the trade and very common in cichlid setups. The Blue I had before was VERY timid and I want him to be the center piece of the tank. Possibly even some of the dwarfs getting only 3 to 4 inches. If you're keeping more than one electric blue hap, keep no more than one male in the tank with four or more females. It’s very small (<2 inches) and currently living with various smaller fish. If smaller fish become neighbors in the aquarium, then a blue electrician will be happy to arrange a hunt. Electric Blue Acaras are found in a wide swath of Central and South America. Electric Blue Cichlid – … They are never to be trusted with tank mates small enough to fit in their mouths. One Electric Blue Acara should be kept in a minimum tank size of 30 gallons.