This enables Scala developer to use all libraries of Java directly from Scala code. You must have seen a Hadoop word count program in Java, Python, or in C/C++ before, but probably not in Scala. It is used in some of the Hadoop ecosystem components like Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, etc. 1) Apache Spark is written in Scala and because of its scalability on JVM - Scala programming is most prominently used programming language, by big data developers for working on Spark projects. WordCount on Hadoop With Scala We use Scala and Java to implement a simple map reduce … In this post, he tells us why Scala and Spark are such a perfect combination. So, let's learn how to build a word count program in Scala. With the enterprise adoption of Scala based big data frameworks like Apache Kafka and Apache Spark- Scala is becoming popular among … param: initLocalJobConfFuncOpt Optional closure used to initialize any JobConf that HadoopRDD creates. This inter-operability feature of Java is one of the best options in Scala. Scala, the Unrivalled Programming Language with its phenomenal capabilities in handling Petabytes of Big-data with ease. Our code will read and write data from/to HDFS. Scala is a functional language also, i.e. David Lyon is an alum from the Insight Data Engineering program in Silicon Valley, now working at Facebook as a Data Engineer. we can assign functions to variables, and pass functions to methods and functions as arguments and methods and functions can return them also. One of the most recent and highly used functional programming language is Scala. If the enclosed variable references an instance of JobConf, then that JobConf will be used for the Hadoop job. It can be used in amalgamation with Java. It is used in some of the Hadoop ecosystem components like Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, etc. Scala is dominating the well-enrooted languages like Java and Python. So it would be really useful for someone to develop applications using Scala that uses Hadoop and the ecosystem projects. Dean Wampler. *.mapreduce.Longer term, this project may support Hadoop … One of the most recent and highly used functional programming language is Scala. When choosing a programming language for big data applications, Python and R are the most preferred programming languages among data scientists and Java is the go -to language for developing applications on Hadoop. In the next topic we will discuss about installation of Scala on Ubuntu. You can watch below video for scala basic introduction and hello world in scala. Developers state that using Scala helps dig deep into Spark’s source code so that they can easily access and implement the newest features of Spark. ... For this task we have used Spark on Hadoop YARN cluster. It uses the Hadoop V0.20.20X/V1.X org.apache.hadoop. It's straightforward to use, strongly typed, hides most of the Hadoop mess (by doing thing like automatically serializing your objects for you), and totally Scala. Last Update Made on March 21, 2018. This is an experiment using Scala and Hadoop's low-level Java APIs. Scala Interview Questions: Beginner Level Python can be used for small-scale projects, but it does not provide the scalable, feature that may affect productivity at the end. So it would be really useful for someone to develop applications using Scala that uses Hadoop and the ecosystem projects. Scala code is first compiled by a Scala compiler and the byte code for the same is generated, which will be then transferred to the Java Virtual Machine to generate the output. Differentiating Scala and Python based on Usability. I have lined up the questions as below. Otherwise, a new JobConf will be created on each slave using the enclosed Configuration. Apache Spark Scala Tutorial [Code Walkthrough With Examples] Apache Spark Scala Tutorial [Code Walkthrough With Examples] By Matthew Rathbone on December 14 2015 Share Tweet Post.