How to Clean Dried Cat Urine from Carpet? It may be hard and dried on to the carpet or worse still it could be runny diarrhea. This will not only encourage your kitty to use the spot again, but also makes it unlivable for your two-legged family members. DIY Alternatives for Cat Urine in Carpet. 2: Apply an enzymatic cleaner (sold at pet stores) directly to the affected area. This means cleaning the location multiple times, letting it dry thoroughly between washings, and keeping your cat away from the location until all traces of the smell are gone. Use White vinegar or apple cider vinegar 1:1 with water. All urine smells, but there seems to be something stronger and more unpleasantly pungent about cat urine. If it's dry, pour cold water on the stain, and blot. If it's a large spot and you don't want to waste paper towels, use a cloth towel or old clothes that can be thrown away. These products – while generally decent – only mask the underlying problem: Once cat urine has permeated carpet and the pad, there’s no way to completely get rid of it. Your first task is to remove the bulk of the poop. 8. If cat urine and smell have taken over your home, this quick blog on how to clean dried cat urine from carpet. The problem becomes when it goes unnoticed, allowing the bacterium that is found in the urine to begin to decompose, resulting in the strong ammonia-like odor that is characteristic of stale, old urine. Whether your cat has had some accidents, or you have inherited a cat lady’s former abode, we’ll give you some tips on how to remove cart urine from carpet and how to prevent future accidents. Don't rub the stain. Vinegar may also assist with neutralizing cat pee smell on hard surfaces. Consider this your ultimate guide to eliminating cat urine smells from your home and determining why your cat may be urinating outside of his or her litter box. For fresh, wet stains, blot the area thoroughly with a dry cloth or use a product which has absorbent granules. Pet urine stains on the carpet leave an unsightly yellow mark and unpleasant odor. How Do I Clean Cat Urine from Carpets - Method 1. These granules can be applied right to the urine-soaked area. 10. If the whole house smells like dog urine, you may need to search for old pee stains. 10. If you have a wet/dry vacuum like a shop vac, use that to remove as much urine as possible; Mix ¼ teaspoon liquid dishwashing detergent with … ... Another method is to clean rugs with a carpet cleaning machine. No not rub. 1. How to get rid of tough carpet stains (yes, even cat pee) Here's how to lift dreadful stains and smells out of your carpet.