Make sure it’s constructive and thoughtful – Don’t use feedback as a weapon to put someone on their guard. Another way of making sure feedback plays a big role in your workplace and organization is to do this – institute a giving and receiving feedback training programme. Your feedback should be validated and even if it’s not positive, it should be used to direct and inspire the recipient to improve. Benefits include professional development, clarified expectations, stronger working relationships and overall organizational growth. Providing constructive feedback in the workplace can help your employees reach their maximum potential. Behavioral feedback is feedback that is focused on an employee's specific behavior that needs adjustment. Despite good intentions, even the best managers struggle to deliver criticism effectively. For all we know, maybe your employees do want to give feedback or receive it, but they just don’t know how. Giving feedback, whether good or bad, can be challenging. To help you out, we put together 10 real-life examples of effective employee feedback and our best tips for making feedback more impactful. Also, don’t deliver feedback when you’re already in … A manager should find out why the calls being made are not as … If a sales-person is not meeting their weekly contact goals, it may not be effective to tell them they need to do better. But when you’re the person delivering the criticism, it can all go terribly wrong if you’re not careful. Constructive feedback is information-specific, issue-focused, and based on observations. Let’s cut to the chase — giving and receiving constructive feedback is hard. Start by setting the stage for constructive feedback and … It doesn’t help that our brains love misery. Performance feedback can be given two ways: through constructive feedback or through praise and criticism. Constructive feedback is essential to help us grow and develop in our personal and professional lives. Here are some tips on how to give feedback that helps employees recognise and avoid their mistakes, and inspires them to achieve their full potential. Don’t fall into the trap of giving praise and criticism on employee performance. And as difficult as it is to give, feedback can be even tougher for employees to hear. Constructive criticism in the workplace can help employees understand what they are doing well and what they need help with. Constructive feedback is especially vital when there are issues that require staff to improve on mistakes or shortcomings, without stirring up negative feelings. Be problem-focused and specific It comes in two varieties: Praise and criticism are both personal judgments about a performance effort or outcome, …