Information on fox annual life cycle. Don't draw it too far away, otherwise the fox will end up too long. It is an opportunistic hunter. They will only mate with each other and not with other fox out there. It marks its territory with urine. The fennec fox is a small species of fox found in the deserts of North Africa. If it can find a dead body, it eats it. After a nearly two month long gestation period, the female fennec fox (vixen) gives birth to between 2 and 5 offspring that are known as kits. The fennec fox, also known as the desert fox, is a beautiful, small member of the vulpine family. What is the life cycle of a fennec fox? You'll be asked questions about fennec foxes, including what they look like, where they live and what they eat. What is very interesting is that once a pair have mated they will continue to do so every year afterwards until one of them die. Even though the fox doesn’t live in a pack, they will find each other when it is time for mating. Fennec foxes can make great pets since they can be easily trained to use a litter box and are fed an accessible high-quality dog or cat food, such as the Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet. Always research a pet before committing to caring for it. The Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small canid which is native to the deserts of North Africa. Its name comes from the Berber-Arabic word (fanak), which means fox. For the vast majority of people, fennec foxes will not be a good fit. Fennec foxes are 2-3 lb. Fennec fox facts, pictures and information. Fennec foxes have not been domesticated in any way. This is the mating season and when young foxes disperse from their natal area. Fennec foxes are found in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, south to north Niger and Sudan, east to Sinai Peninsula and Kuwait. Fennec Fox Fennec Fox Classification and Evolution. Fennec foxes mate between January and March. ... Social Life. About This Quiz & Worksheet. The fennec is a nocturnal animal because the desert is immensely hot during the day. The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world's foxes, but its large ears, measuring 6 inches, appear to be on loan from a bigger relative. During the day it stays in it burrow. It has enormous ears, measuring 6 inches (15 centimeters), which it appears to have borrowed from a much bigger relative. Resembling small dogs, foxes can weigh as little as 5 lbs. The fennec fox has hairy feet that protect it from the hot sand. The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world's foxes, weighing only 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram). The fennec fox has numerous behavioural adaptations that help it to thrive in the extreme desert environment. Fennec foxes can be kept as pets, although they are not very common.They are …