Bullhorn SG: Complete the dispatch mission "Prevent the Coup d'etat" to get this blueprint. Blueprints are one of the collectibles in The Phantom Pain and are needed in order to develop some specific weapons. The Blueprints are special documents which you may collect in specific areas or during the special tasks during the missions. The blueprint is inside one of the rooms, laying on a table amid a couple of couches. METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. If this isn’t the schematic you’re looking for, try finding it in our list of all blueprints. You unlock the Flamethrower D-Walker armament. marble ditto. You unlock the Flamethrower D-Walker armament. On the other hand, it does less damage than other launchers. Blueprints, also known as design specs, are reproductions of various technical drawings relating to either an architectural (such as buildings) or engineering design (such as various weapons, equipment, devices, vehicles, vessels, and aircraft). Before you can go all-out with researching various new gear and weapons on Mother Base, not only will you need various specialized personnel, which you can find here, but you'll also need blueprints. After Mission 31, you’ll find a blueprint in Munokoya Nioka, or you can get the gunship to drop it during Mission 41. I got one of the blueprints from a dispatch mission and I'm wondering how … Obtaining the blueprint itself isn’t enough, though. Edit: A net search told me I had to finish the dispatch mission "prevent the coup". So we’re putting together a series of guides to help you find every blueprint, cassette tape and memento photo spread throughout Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Last edited by LobVapor; Dec 7, 2016 @ 1:01am < > They are in sequential order, meaning that in order to do the fifth on the list, you need to do the fourth, and so on. Your Intel and R&D teams will have to be a certain level, and you’ll need money. You may collect 27 Blueprints in total. They allow you to unlock the new research projects in the Mother Base and because of that you may upgrade your battle equipment. Welcome to the Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Blueprints locations guide that helps you find the total of 27 Weapon Blueprints locations for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC action-adventure stealth game. The following is a list of Key Dispatch Missions that will become available in the game. Sep 21, 2015 @ 11:48am Bullhorn SG Blueprint Does anyone know how to get the second Bullhorn blueprint? In this guide, we’re going to show you the Hail MGR-4 blueprint location. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is finally in stores and MGSV might very well be the only game that can compete with The Witcher 3 for Most Dense Game of 2015. You probably won’t be able to skip levels, either, meaning you’ll have to go through lower grades, even if you have blueprints for higher ones.