If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! They swim fast and attack with there claws, babies camoflauge. Being so much larger than an elephant seal, the latter cannot do much to protect itself, except for running to the shore. 4 of the Strangest Ways Plants Protect Themselves from Predators. In order to pass training, SEALS are given numerous long swims that they have to accomplish. Have you ever thought how do penguins protect themselves from predators? How do elephant seals defend themselves from predator? Detaching tail feathers do not harm the peacock, and enable him time and distance to escape. How do polar bears protect themselves from predators? Their main predator is the killer whale. well, seals protect themselves by hiding. ... Do moths and butterflies have dust on their wings? Penguins live in some of the most inhospitable regions of the world. These critters have a repertoire of defensive measures that they take to protect themselves from predators. In the sea they can swim away from enemies and swim with other seals using safety in numbers. Antarctic seals are fortunate not to have many predators. The killer whale is larger, stronger, swifter and smarter! Even so, many seals of all species become food for predators every year. Seals protect themselves from predators by propelling through the water when predators threaten them. Answer. That way the world as a whole is a better place and the seals out there won’t be harmed by our poor choices. ! Being so much larger than an elephant seal, the latter cannot do much to protect itself, except for running to the shore. There are not many predators that dare to attack them to begin with. Then if predators attacks, we shove the torches in the face of the predator. Even in these regions, penguins have predators in water and on land. When they eat bigger prey such as seals and small whales, they first tear them apart with their tusks to make them easier to eat. 7 Captivating Crabeater Seal Facts. They also use loud noises to scare away threats. Dogs are very territorial animals. Smith and colleagues report that spotted hyenas do join forces to protect themselves from danger.. The killer whale is larger, stronger, swifter and smarter! Many researchers believe that the Sea Lion can easily swim faster than Killer Whales and Sharks. Puffins do have some unique abilities to protect themselves from predators. Crabeater Seal pups are preyed upon by Leopard Seals. Seals also have sharp teeth and powerful jaws that come in handy when fighting off predators. How do harp seals protect themselves from predators? They do not have any defense against those predators. They aggregate to defend their food from their natural enemy – the lion, and cooperate during turf battles with neighboring hyenas.. And, it is easier for spotted hyenas to catch prey when they do … Also, the very young or those that are sick won’t be able to move as fast so they are easier for these predators … On land, they can take to the sea which protects them from attack by land based animals such as polar bears in the Arctic and lions in Africa. As a last resort when grabbed by a predator, seals will bite and thrash to defend themselves. Seals can leave the sea which protects them from attack by sharks and killer whales. When the whale spots it the seal knows he's been exposed to a predator because the seal's whiskers can help tell when a predator is close. One form of weapon was a Nulla Nulla or waddy. Penguins are amazing birds that live in some of the most inhospitable locations on the planet. For predators flying above puffins blend into the water while swimming which they do more often than not. While there isn’t much we can do about their natural predators, there is plenty we can do about problems created by humans. Well, penguins have evolved to develop several strategies that give them an advantage against predators that might be looking to […] If predators give a peacock chase, grabbing his long, trailing train, they may find themselves with a disappointing mouthful of feathers.