Tony de Mello on an occasion among friends was asked to say a few words about the nature of his work. Finally, let me tell you about the chicken and the eagle. Then one day a veterinarian came to the chicken ranch to check on another animal. She's scratching in the dirt looking for something to eat. A fable is told about an eagle who thought he was a chicken. :) The Wild Eagle. It appears in the foreword of his powerful book “Awareness”. Are you an eagle or a chicken? If so, enter your detail below. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar.” The eagle continued staring at his real family up above, dreaming that he could be like them. The topic of my message is are you an eagle or a chicken? One day a farmer was inspecting his property, and as he walked, he came upon eagle that had been shot. Life is all about how you see yourself. This story was originally told by the great mystic Anthony de Mello to explain the nature of his work. There are different kinds of chickens — white, brown and black chickens. What does it mean to be an eagle thinker, and what does it mean to be a chicken thinker? And you have been fooling yourself about it for too long. So the eagle lived and died as a chicken, because that was what he thought he was." They are lazy birds, content with the mediocre, satisfied with grubs and grains. The chickens knew that they must protect the eagle … The owner said, “I told you it was a chicken.” “No,” said the naturalist, “it is an eagle. Eagles soar with other eagles high above the clouds and are fierce, while chickens scratch on the ground and walk around with other chickens not doing much of anything. Take Flight in 2019! I'm an eagle. The little eagle did not believe the big eagle. We are the same. Are You An Eagle Or A Chicken? you’re scratching in the dirt with Prairie Chickens when you ought to be soaring on Eagle’s wings! Joyce Meyer: Learning to fly I'd like for you to use your imagination for a moment. He put it with his chickens and soon the egg hatched. An eagle egg was placed in a chicken nest as an experiment, and the chicken raised it as her own. He spotted the eagle in the special coop and asked the farmer about it. The eaglet cried for food with the other chicks, learned to peck with the other chicks, and slept with the other chicks. Somewhere deep inside, you know you were made for more, and that’s why it is so frustrating to be down on the ground, squabbling with all the other chickens around you. He acted like a chick, because he thought he was one. After time, the eagle stopped dreaming and continued to live his life as a chicken. The other birds made fun of his mighty eagle beak, because they had little thin, narrow, weak chicken beaks. Chickens live in coops and end up…well, on someone’s plate. Imagine a chicken in a chicken yard. Lady, if you are an eagle, you will know what you want and will spread your wings and ensure you work hard and smart to achieve your goals. Recently, I’ve come to realize; some people have eagle potential, but a chicken … A lady can choose to either be an eagle or a chicken. Register Today. Hurry! He thought he was a chicken, just like them. You have many choices in life and one really important one no one ever really discusses is choosing to be an eagle or a chicken? As a child, did you ever wonder, if you were an animal, what kind would you be?