The Year of the Flood's plot runs parallel to Oryx and Crake, but it's set in the pleebland slums, rather than the secure, sterile Compounds of the scientific elite. The book opens with where Toby and Ren are in the year of the flood, 2025. It is a year set in our near future (we are, perhaps, psychically nearer year 18 than year zero in the book's calendar, which sets the "waterless flood" in year 25). A companion novel to 2003's Booker- nominated Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood shares with that work a dystopian, post-apocalyptic world, several characters and at least a couple of plot devices. You may also like. We would like to send you all our best wishes for this new year 2020. ISBN-13: 9780307455475 Summary The times and species have been changing at a rapid rate, and the social compact is wearing as thin as environmental stability. The Year of the Flood is a novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, the second book of her dystopian trilogy, released on September 22, 2009 in Canada and the United States, and on September 7, 2009, in the United Kingdom. Toby has camped out in what used to be spa called Anooyoo. As you can see from Table 1, the year in which the Flood came was 1656 AM1 (Anno Mundi – “year of the world”). A natural disaster has altered the Earth as we know it, obliterating most human life. It has been raining steadily for a week now, and the power has gone out in most sections of Derry. The story that unfolds is a testament to Margaret Atwood’s visionary power. Leila Huntington, the Environment Agency′s Flood Risk Manager for the North East, said: "It is fantastic news that the scheme across Killingworth and Longbenton is now complete. So the reader gets the story just in two other points of view. In this second book of the MaddAddam trilogy, the long-feared waterless flood has occurred, altering Earth as we know it and obliterating most human life. Happy New Year for 2020. Blood Music. It's more like a completely different story about the same event. We are excited that this year will make the 4th edition of the European Conference on Flood Risk Management and look forward to seeing you in Budapest from 31st August to 4th September 2020. The Year of the Flood is a wonderful book, intelligent, rewarding and thoughtful fiction that is jam-packed with ideas and thoughts on religion, science, society and of course mankind itself. 190 quotes from The Year of the Flood: ‘What am I living for and what am I dying for are the same question.’ She uses a mop handle for balance: the elevator stopped working some time ago and the back stairs are slick with damp, so if she slips and topples there won’t be anyone to pick her up.