Mongooses that kill snakes do so by wearing out the snake. Mongooses are avid snake hunters , but meerkats prefer scorpions . The one animal I know of that eats mongoose … The scientific name of the Egyptian mongoose came about because it was thought that they track down crocodile eggs. Being one of the few mongoose species adept at climbing, they also climb trees to capture birds and feed on eggs in nests. While they have specially affinity for snake diets, they do eat other things including worms, insects, frogs, small reptiles, birds, rodents, seeds, nuts and fruits. If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! Related Questions. It is still not known whether or not this is true. Mongooses live in burrows and are nondiscriminatory predators, feeding on small animals such as rodents, birds, reptiles, frogs, insects, andworms. We need you to answer this question! The Javanese mongoose eats not only animals, but also different fruits, roots, fruits. Usually, the gray mongoose and the slender mongoose are the two species that take on the deadly and swift King Cobras. As we said earlier, mongooses are omnivores. Slender mongooses predators are cats, dogs and poisonous snakes. Not many people have witnessed this in … Its body is very lean or slender compared to other species of mongoose which, together with its lighter shade of fur, vaguely distinguishes it from other species of small mammals. I found this question interesting enough to dive right in and do some research. Slender mongooses are more adept at climbing trees than other mongooses, often hunting birds there. The slender mongoose is mostly active during the day, though it may occasionally hunt during warm moonlit nights. Description. Mostly eat mongooses of different insects, crustaceans, small reptiles and mammals. As befits the popular image of mongooses, the slender mongoose is capable of killing and subsequently eating venomous snakes, but such snakes do not constitute a significant portion of its diet. 19. Males do not take part in caring for their young, it … The mongoose world consists of at least 20 distinct species of these carnivorous burrow inhabitants, including Indian gray mongooses (Herpestes edwardsii) and slender-tailed meerkats (Suricata suricatta). and are smaller than males at 715 gr. Name Slender Mongoose [Galerella sanguinea], also known as the Black-tipped Mongoose or the Black-tailed Mongoose.Appearance Slender Mongoose females attain a mass of 575 gr. This slender mongoose shows amazingly quick reflexes and agility to out smart one of the worlds fastest and most deadly snakes. Slender Mongoose can breed several times per year and after a gestation period of 60 - 70 days, 1 - 3 young are born in a den. Atilax will also eat crocodile eggs. Mongooses have a rather bushy tail, but the meerkat's tail is more slender. Baby mongooses are called pups and a group of offspring is called a litter. Mongooses are family Herpestidae mammals that hail mostly from Africa, although some come from areas in Asia and southwestern Europe. What eats a slender mongoose? For example, a yellow mongoose does not mind eating a bird or a rodent. One Asian species is so adept at eating crabs that it is called the crab-eating mongoose (Herpestes urva). Mongooses eat eggs in an interesting way, by throwing them between their hind legs to break them against something hard such as a rock or wall. It is believed that mongooses become fully mature between 9 months to … Colour varies from light brown to dark red-brown depending on the area within its distribution range. The overall appearance of this creature most definitely does justice to its name. Mongoose will eat snake eggs, snakes, insects, crabs, earthworms, birds and rodents. Marsh mongooses (Atilax paludinosus) of rivers in sub-Saharan Africa also break crab shells in the same way. Meerkats have some pretty funky ear s that they can close while they dig so their ears don't fill up with sand . Asked in Mongoose Who eats mongoose? 18. I am neither an expert on snake venom or mongooses, but I couldn't resist attempting to answer this question. It will also eat carrion and eggs. Their main diet is insects, but they do also eat rodents, lizards, snakes, amphibians, carrion and even fruit. The Indian Gray Mongoose will fight venomous snakes and eat them if they win the fight (mostly cobras). Most mongooses are predators, although among them there are also omnivorous species.