The navigational capabilities of these ants have been the subject of numerous scientific investigations. If you keep tortoises outside, it is important to make sure ants cannot get to them. Carnivorous animals normally hunt for herbivores during the night. Ant-Eating Ants. They forage for the corpses of insects and other arthropods which have succumbed to the heat stress of their desert environment. Ants (Formicidae) are a very broad genus. Ants eat fruit, meat, seeds and vegetables depending on the type of ant. The total weight of all ants and termites in an area would far exceed the weight of all other animals combined. Some ant varieties are even cannibalistic. There are over 10,000 types of ants in the world, and they don't all eat the same things. They also eat other dead insects. Further, in this environment, ants are easily collected and observed; this has made them model organisms for studies of development, behavior, and ecology. Animals like camels, desert goats, the pronghorn and deers eat these plants in the desert. Credit: Frederick Bass/Getty Images. It depends on which ants. The first group prefers oily, greasy food while the second group prefers sweets. Sahara desert ants are scavengers. What Do Harvester Ants Eat: As Harvester ants are also called Agriculture ants, they eat seeds which comes from various types of plants. Sahara desert ant, any of several species of ant in the genus Cataglyphis that dwell in the Sahara, particularly C. fortis and C. bicolor. What Do Ants Eat? - The ants have to know what direction and how far they are going over flat, sandy terrains that don't even have any landmarks. - The ants have to know what direction and how far they are going over flat, sandy terrains that don't even have any landmarks. Desert predators may include rattle snakes, gray wolves, falcons and owls. Some of these include the desert fox, ants, moths, bats, mice, and rabbits. They forage for the corpses of insects and other arthropods which have succumbed to the heat stress of their desert … Carpenter ants eat fruits, and red fire ants are meat-eaters. Remember this distinction when baiting ants with boric acid. Different ants eat different foods, and ants are omnivorous, so they eat many different things. Asking what do ants eat is like asking what do people eat. These ants dig galleries in drier areas and can go up to 4-5 meter deep. Only one of the harvester ant species is found of the Mississippi River in Florida. The navigational capabilities of these ants have been the subject of numerous scientific investigations. Insects, especially ants and termites, are the dominant animal life in the desert. There are a variety of types of animals that eat cactus. In fact fire ants will eat almost any kind of insect they catch. Sahara desert ants are scavengers. Eating prey: some animals eat other animals in order to survive in the desert.