It used to be that people thought sleepwalkers were either acting out their dreams or their secret desires. The first, an electroencephalogram (EEG), records brain activity in the form of waves. What Causes Sleepwalking in Adults? The exact cause of somnambulism isn’t well understood. During an episode of sleepwalking the brain is partially awake, resulting in complex behaviors, and partially in NREM sleep with no conscious awareness of actions. Sleepwalking isn’t just a disorder for the young, however—nearly four percent of adults in the United States do it, too. If the person has a history of emotional problems, they also may need to have a mental health evaluation to look for causes such as excessive anxiety or stress. Sleepwalking happens at the tail end of the NREM phases, when your body has fallen into a semi-conscious state. So, why do some people sleep like the dead, while others sleepwalk? You may have heard of people doing funny things under the influence of Ambien, but are there other potential causes of sleep behaviors called parasomnias?Learn about the relationship between substances and sleepwalking, sleep eating, sleep-driving, and even REM behavior disorder. In brief, sleepwalking occurs when something causes the brain to leave its state of deep sleep and enter into an intermediate status—somewhere between sleeping and awake. While You Were Sleepwalking: ... stages of sleep, three standard laboratory measures are used. Sleepwalking Causes. It's thought 1 in 5 children will sleepwalk at least once. Most grow out of it by the time they reach puberty, but it can sometimes persist into adulthood. There’s no one clear-cut reason why people sleepwalk, but several factors can influence its occurrence: • Genetics: Like most other disorders and diseases, sleepwalking can run in families. It occurs when you’re in deep sleep so your activities aren’t likely to wake you up. But, in fact, sleepwalking (also called somnambulism) is a disorder of arousal, where the brain is triggered to rouse the body while in a deep sleep. There is no specific treatment for sleepwalking. irregular sleeping habits. Here are the main causes of somnambulism in adults:. In sleep, our bodies enter a relaxed state were our brains are no longer aware. Sleepwalking Causes: Fatigue Tiredness is not a symptom that defines any one particular disease. certain medications, including sedatives, stimulants, and antihistamines. Causes of tiredness range from lack of sleep and over exercise to medical and surgical treatments. However, according to studies, children are the most vulnerable because their brains are still developing. Sleepwalking can also affect you physiologically. As these conditions resolve, sleepwalking incidences disappear. If symptoms persist through adolescence, consult your doctor or psychiatrist.