Anglers can catch mud cats using a variety of live baits, including bluegill, common carp, bullhead and green sunfish. While you might associate them with Creole and Cajun cuisine, there are actually thousands of types of catfish that are prepared in all kinds of ways. The walking catfish is an omnivore, snacking on a variety of different food items. There are fast grower and consume a lot of food. you can do to help prevent introducing walking catfish and other invasive fish species: Learn how to correctly identify walking catfish and other invasive species. The fact is, there are hundreds of species of catfish! A species of armored catfish called Loricariidae have been wreaking havoc in South Florida's lakes. Special Note: Possession and transportation of live walking catfish is illegal without special state and federal permits; can only be possessed dead, so anglers who want to try eating them should immediately put them on ice. Eat it! Old catfish are fat catfish and fat catfish … If you have a walking catfish in an aquarium, it must be euthanized. Login to reply the answers Post? Now they are about 12 inch in size. Mud catfish, also commonly referred to as flathead catfish, is one of the most coveted catfish species. Mud catfish, also commonly referred to as flathead catfish, is one of the most coveted catfish species. Only a relative handful are good to eat. On a staple diet supplemented with bloodworms and brine shrimp, a young catfish can grow as much as an inch a month. These catfish are extremely smart and will start to recognize and even come to their owners after a short while. They thrive in tanks that employ both water-based and land-based habitats. I have two walking catfish in my 2.4 meter tank. Most catfish are bottom eaters, with their mouths designed to eat off the tank floor… I have 11 albino walking catfish. However, they do have an economic impact on fish farmers, who have to construct barriers just to keep them out of their aquaculture pond and are very unwanted because they are known to eat the fish and their eggs. They turn up unannounced and eat all your food. IT IS THE LAW! These fish are known … Walking catfish put few native species at risk, as an array of wading birds, such as herons and egrets, are natural predator s. However, they often feed in aquaculture ponds, "walking" from fish farm to fish farm, prey ing on the fish there and causing millions of dollars in damage. March 24, 2016 By EricT_CulinaryLore. Walking catfish put few native species at risk, as an array of wading birds, such as herons and egrets, are natural predators. Why is the walking catfish dangerous in the U.S.? Shad. Yes walking catfish are edible infact alot of people in Thailand eat them because they are common and are cheap to buy and cook. They are monsters and when people say they eat anything it is true. I did have a Synodontis multipunctatus in the tank (11 cm) the largest of my clarias ate him whole. Biology. Non-native to the waters, the fish have been eating away at the lakes, causing erosion, and are even Extruded (or floating) vs. non-extruded (or sinking) feed. Because of this, a shad is a major component of the equation. Journal Introduction The fish are very numerous in some areas of southern Florida to the point that there are 3000 pounds per acre in some places.