Orangutans prefer to eat fruits just before ripening, including the spiny-skinned, pulpy, aromatic durian. vegetables and leaves. Wild orangutans are selective but opportunistic so if there is an emergency of tasty and nutritious insects, they may feed all day on them. What’s a frugivore? They have no trouble at all eating in this position and do it quite often. Are they eating bugs in the bark? Thus, this animal prefers everything that is edible. Fruits with sugary or fatty pulp are favoured. One of their preferred foods is the fruit of the durian tree, which has a very strong smell and tastes somewhat like sweet, cheesy, garlic custard. You might be wondering about the food that is consumed by this species of ape. Orangutans use their jaws or hard objects to break things like the durians. They eat a lot of fruits and stuff in Indonesia and Malaysia. Sometimes orangutans are known to consume bird eggs. Orangutans eat 1 to 25 diff erent foods per day, with females consuming an average of 9.6, and males 7.1 items daily (Galdikas 1988). This is generally only if they can’t find adequate supplies though of their other sources of food. What do they eat? Orangutans are another mammal with a fruit-filled diet. NATURE host Chris Morgan joins scientist Caroline Schuppli way up in the canopy to take a look at neesia fruit, a staple of the orangutan diet. Well, 90% of their diet is made up of fruits, honey, shoots, fresh leaves, insects, fungi, termites, lizards, barks, seeds and nuts. Overall, orangutans are viewed as frugivores. On either island, young orangutans are much more likely to be eaten by a predator than are adult orangutans. Fruit, Termite, Bark. They eat this type Likewise, if fruit and insects are unavailable, they may eat bark, leaves and foods of lower nutritional value to satisfy their hunger. Wild orangutans learn to eat hundreds of different food types as youngsters by observing their mother and being allowed to take food from their mother's … Preferred fruits include figs and jackfruits. As for the question of what an orangutan eats—orangutans mostly eat fruit, as well as other types of vegetation. There are termites and ants that they eat, too, but we don’t see them eating those as much. Sometimes, depending upon the climatic changes and taste, orangutans also eat the eggs of birds. They seem to be most active in the morning and late afternoon. Orangutans primarily eat ripe fruit, along with young leaves, bark, flowers, honey, insects, vines, and the inner shoots of plants. When fruit is available, orangutans will eat it. But they also eat leaves and bark. Their favorite food is a durian, a spine-covered fruit with a strong aroma. Orangutans are known to be quite funny when they eat as well. It is quite amazing that they are able to do so without dropping the fruit … Male orangutans have two developmental stages (1) sub adult males and (2) fully adult males. They can eat things such as fruit smoothies and fruit ice lollies ( 100% frozen fruit). Orangutans receive different types of oils and sugars from fruit, protein from nuts and carbohydrates from leaves. They are still considered to be herbivores though. What do orangutans eats? Ninety percent of their food is fruit, coming from at least 400 different types of plants and trees. For example they can hang upside down from branches to reach leaves and fruits that are below them. I'd say orangutans are omnivores but primarily herbivores. Animals that eat fruit. On Borneo, there are no tigers, and leopards are the main animal that eats orangutans. Sub adult males are usually thinner, lack the long hair that mature males possess, do not have cheek pads or flanges (they are unflanged), and they do not have overly large throat sacs.