Our modern belief that animals are somehow less than humans equates to a cave man dragging around his bludgeoning club. Hearing Capabilities of Animals — Can They Really Hear Better than Humans? Here are 14 animal heroes who are better people than most people are. Isn’t that a valid reason why humans are more important than other animals? 14 Pictures That Prove Animals Are Better Than People Certain animals have a real knack for rising to the occasion. A page for all animal lovers. Humans not smarter than animals, just different. They are so adorable! It’s heavy, inconvenient, and it leaves blood stains everywhere we go. Here are some facts I believe as to why animals are great companies, great pets, and good for our well being. Second of all ,regarding moral worth , animals have none. 1. An infant chicken can not. By counting the number of neurons in brains, one scientist revolutionized our view of why Homo sapiens and nonhuman primates are so much smarter than other animals. What differentiates hearing in animals vs. humans is what an animal … Animals are such great creatures which as humans we do not appreciate enough. Humans are higher on the food chain, and have and will continue to advance at a pace ten times greater than any other species known of. No matter if it's puppies or dogs, they are all so cute! While it may seem animals can hear better than humans because they can hear sounds we can’t hear, their ability to hear is not better than ours. 2. Humans have been deceiving themselves for thousands of years that they're smarter than the rest of the animal kingdom, despite growing evidence to the contrary, according to University of … They can't contemplate life and have no morality. 261K likes. The Animals Are Better Than Humans. As for speciesism the whole point of my post was to show objectively why humans are more important than other animals. First of all, humans are greater in intelligence and are more evolved and adapted to survival. Just looking at their cute faces instantly makes you a much happier person. Thursday, 5 December 2013. A human infant could go on to create a great artwork, fly to a distant planet or cure a disease.