They rely on their mother's to teach them how to hunt, thus stay with the mother until they are two years of age. The average is … In Africa, the cheetah surrenders its kill to sturdier carnivores such as … A cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a medium large cat which lives in Africa.It is the fastest land animal and can run up to 112 kilometers per hour for a short time. The other 40% fall victim to lack of genetic diversity. This newborn hair is lost about 3 months later. June 8, 2017. While males primarily live in coalitions with their litter mates, a female cheetah lives alone or with her cubs, associating with other cheetahs only during mating. 90% of Cheetahs born die with in the first 3 months, 50% of which are destroyed by predators. A cheetah mother will give birth to one to eight cubs. Mother cheetahs have been killed by speeding cars. Cubs begin to follow their mother after 6 weeks. Some cheetahs are terrible mothers, and that leads to exactly what you think . Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), known as the fastest land animals, have long, slender bodies covered with unique black spots scattered across their tan coats.The name cheetah … Cheetah cubs have become permanently separated from their families and died after being surrounded by tour cars. Even if the mother was near, she could not fend off an animal as large as a Lion or Hyena, the Cheetah was built for running not fighting. Born in March to mother Kesho, the cubs immediately began exploring their new environment after bonding with Kesho in a private den for about three months. Newborn Baby Cheetahs. Fun Facts: A sprinting cheetah can reach 45 miles per hour within 2.5 seconds. Cheetahs are active during the day, and hunt in the early morning or late evening. CHEETAH. By Anne Hilborn. ... and I called him Solo. Only 5 per cent of cheetah cubs live to become independent from their mother. They are blind at birth and are covered with a thick coat of fur, called a mantle, which helps to protect them from predators. A cheetah is a medium large cat which lives in Africa. It is the fastest land animal and can run up to 112 kilometers per hour for a short time. ! A baby cheetah is simply called a cheetah cub. Baby animals do not have their names change based upon exhibiting a certain behavior, though you could certainly append an adjective to do so. Also, conflict between cheetahs and humans needs to be moderated. Top speed—up to 64 miles per hour—can only be briefly sustained. A cheetah pregnancy lasts about 90 days. 6. The mother of the cubs will scout for new dens each time she hunts and will move the cubs every three to six days, just like a leopardess does.