A California king snake … California kingsnakes make excellent pets, and they are fairly easy to care for. At this point, the female should be eating adult mice without stretching her skin too much. I recommend you do not breed female House Snakes until they are at least 30 inches (75 cm) long and over 250 grams in weight. . How to Keep a California King Snake. It is also important to feed ovulating breeding females to ensure good development of egg follicles. They range in size from 18 inches to almost 8 feet. For a yearling, you can step up to an enclosure that is at least 30" x 12" inches (like Zilla critter cage 20 Long) or go to the adult enclosure size. They are made to look good and for the keeper to still be able to see the snake. Unless you have a burning desire to know the gender of your California kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula california) or plan to breed it, there’s no practical reason to seek this information. If breeding kingsnakes it is important to feed them well all Summer so that they can endure a brumation period. Just be sure its of appropriate size so that the snake can crawl inside to the middle and coil up snugly inside. Just think how a Cal king acts in nature. California king snakes are one of the best beginner snakes to keep. The average king snake weighs just over 3 pounds when fully grown. If you breed a striped king to a banded king from the same locale in SD, you can get striped and banded in one clutch. X Research source When they are hiding, they are well covered and not exposed. Adults do well in a tank at least 36" x 18" (Exo Terra Large, or Zilla 40 gal). In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about keeping this snake. Note that these snakes aren't always willing to eat more than once per week. The California king snake (Lampropeltis getula californiae) is a popular pet snake that is native to the United States, ranging from California to Arizona. If you think that your mature California king snake is overweight, it's probably time to minimize his food intake. One of the frustrations with breeding California kingsnakes is the small clutch size (six to 15 eggs) as compared to corn snakes (eight to 30). Aberrant's rarely pop up. One thing that must be mentioned is you can get different results when breeding locality snakes to each other vs. two kings from different localities. Male and female California kingsnakes look alike, although adult females tend to be larger. The babies will be normal looking, but are double hets. Though California King Snakes usually only get about 4 feet long, some can reach an adult length of 6 feet, so you should get a habitat that can accommodate your snake at its largest possible size. Bob Applegate A kingsnake is a member of any one of eight species and multiple subspecies that make up the genus Lampropeltis . Speak to an exotic veterinarian if you have any concerns regarding your snake's eating habits and overall health. It should take at least 18 months to get a snake to this size. PVC pipes are used by some keeps too. Adult California King Snake Size: Typically 3-4 ft. California kingsnakes make excellent pets, and they are fairly easy to care for. Male and female California kingsnakes look alike, although adult females tend to … With proper housing and care, a pet king snake can live up between 10 to 15 years. Probing or … Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getula californiae; Lifespan: 15-20 years; Native Location: West coast of the United States (California and neighboring states) They are low maintenance, very rarely bite, and don't mind being handled. Producing double hets is easy—just breed two snakes that are displaying two different recessive genes. Specimens can get as large as 6 ft. this is unlikely for snakes in captivity. California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae)Native Range: The California Kingsnake (L. g. californiae) is found in the southwestern United States, from California eastward to Arizona.They are common in a variety if habitats, and are frequently caught and kept as pets by local youngsters. One example is the striped king from SD Co. The California kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae) is a nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to the western United States and northern Mexico.It is a subspecies of the common kingsnake and is found in a variety of habitats.