A popular question asked is if hens will lay eggs without a rooster around. People ask me all the time why chickens lay eggs daily and seemingly other birds lay them once or twice a year. In fact, some species don't need sperm at all! Why do chickens lay eggs without fertilization? This post will take a look at the more common reasons behind these shell-less eggs. harder to come by than chicken eggs. Supermarket eggs are not fertile - not even "free range" or "organic" eggs. They do need sperm to develop fully. When they first start to lay.. the eggs like Coyote said are weird.. you get large double yokes, you get wind eggs, you get all sorts of stuff untill the hens body gets into the groove of things.. Editions One of the most common questions that gets asked about chickens is, why do they lay eggs even if there is no rooster present? Menu. The eggs sold in the grocery are NOT fertilized as the Hens and Roosters are separated after hatching. And yes, chickens, or Hens, lay eggs regardless of whether there is a Rooster around or not. But in the wild, chickens, like all birds, lay only during breeding season — primarily in the spring — and only enough eggs to assure the survival of their genes. This FAQ addresses whether this is possible, how often they will lay eggs … They all will occasionally lay eggs even without the male. Your laying hen's body is naturally intended to produce an egg once every 24 to 27 hours and it will form the egg regardless of whether the egg is actively fertilized during its formation. It is a common misconception that chickens are always just naturally “giving” eggs, because modern egg hens have been intensively bred to lay between 250 to 300 eggs a year. The mama bird still needs to get that egg out. The Roosters are there to 'fertilize' the eggs when you want there to be MORE chickens. Chickens laying eggs without fertilization? Do you have a photo of the egg, and also of the egg broken to show the contents? If you are considering chicken keeping, here are a few of the basics related to the egg-laying biology of chickens and geese. Roosters only fertilize the egg they do not instigate the process. Forums. Calcum is important. For some reason, chickens break the mold and lay them every day. Curious Kids: why do hens still lay eggs when they don't have a mate? Sometimes these reasons are reversible and other times they are not. Have you ever wondered why sometimes your chickens lay eggs without shells? The hen would still lay eggs if a ... Can fish lay eggs without ... Unfertilized chicken eggs carry half of the needed chromosomes in order for fertilization. The answer? Having looked after chickens for generations, humans are pretty good at getting them to keep on laying eggs. So that's why we don't use them for omelets.