Roof rats are sleek, slender, agile, and have large ears. Mice are usually light grey or brown in colour with a lighter shade on their bellies. The belly is light white to a cream color colored, and is most often it is white; The rats also have white spots above and below the eyes; Also have white spots behind the ears; The species has a long furry tail is characterized by upper and lower dark stripes, grizzled with white. Dominant trait — Rex rats have curly hair and whiskers which is curlier as babies. They are also known as brown rats, sewer rats, gray rats, wharf rats, common rats, street rats, water rats, house rats, Hanover rats, brown Norway rats, Norwegian rats and hood rats. What wild rat has a white belly and round ears? References This Niviventer article is … Sounds like a deer mouse. Brown Rats have short scaly tails, shorter than body (body 18-25 cm long, and their tails 15-21 cm long) ; they have one pair of distinctive chisel shaped incisors with hard yellow enamel on front surfaces. The white-bellied rat (Niviventer niviventer) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. The black rat snake is a non-venomous snake with a long, black body and white belly. It is found in India, Nepal, and Pakistan. It can be found throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, from the mountains to the shoreline. Spots might be white, yellow, red or orange. A so-called “bad rex” may simply look messy all the time, but you can tell by curly or straight whiskers whether they are truly a rex rat. The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), cotton rat (Sigmodon Hispidus), rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), and white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) all can carry and spread hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (also called HPS or simply hantavirus). The pupils of their eyes are round, just like humans. Roof rats are typically 13"-18" long, including the tail, which is longer than the rest of its body - it is this long tail that most readily distinguishes the Roof Rat from the Norway Rat, our other commonly found rat. In the wild, most rats have the same colored fur. Females tend to lose most of their curl as they grow older, but males tend to keep more of it. Brown and black are the two most common colors for wild rats. Related Questions. Coat color, temperament, and domestication For centuries, conventional wisdom says that an animal's coat color and its temperament may go together. Mice are more brown to begin with, and have darker bellies. For example, individuals with lots of depigmented, white fur -- paint horses, white cats, depigmented pointers -- are sometimes found to be nervous. Next is the tail. Norway rats are primarily brown or reddish-gray with whitish-gray bellies. Not all mice but some. It is found in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Chestnut white-bellied rat. Since those children you I saw must have been delivered in the house and their mother or the local people did not know they have to tie a bandage round the tummy of the baby. Next is color, and rats tend to be gray with white bellies, turning more brown as they get older. They lack pits on their heads, and they have a small cap of scales with shiny appearance above the eyes (on top of the head). Do field mice ever have an all white under belly with brown fur on their upper body? It's black with scaley rings on a rat, and tan and more smooth on a mouse. Binomial name: Niviventer fulvescens, John Edward Gray, 1847 The chestnut white-bellied rat (Niviventer fulvescens) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. So, my cat finally caught and killed a mouse, or did he? Both rat species can invade homes and cause problems with their gnawing, feeding, dropping of feces, and ability to carry disease. Their heads have a blunt muzzle with long whiskers, medium sized ears. Following is information on what rats look like, how you know if you have rats in your home, and details on why they are a problem. Care of Mice and Rats. Related Questions. Mice and Rats. When their skin is stretched, such as after a meal, a spotted pattern may be visible. Wiki User April 11, 2010 6:36AM. One popular domesticated rat is the pink-eyed white rat, which has been commonly bred since the 19th century. It has a white chin and many animals have white bellies. We recently had a pack rat get into the house's heating ducts, and I am scared that what was caught might be a pack rat baby and not a mouse. A young rat also has distinctly larger feet and head compared to the body than a mouse. She has a bandage to protect the belly button and if the bandage is not wrapped well the belly button will protrudge. Most brown rats have light brown or white fur on their underbellies. A mature mouse can be distinguished from a young rat by its larger ears and longer tail compared to its body length than the rat. Asked in Fish Why do some fish have white bellies? Wiki User August 10, 2010 2:00PM. Rat snakes have a small head that is similar to the head of a turtle in shape. Do mice have white bellies?