That is the best way to explain it. The ultimate guide to eating insects in Thailand. Update: im talking about a bug..... Answer Save. What do they look like and taste like? Find out what does scorpion taste like, where to buy exotic food in Thailand, and more. More Reviews. View Slideshow NEW YORK -- Crickets do not taste like chicken. No. Watch out, or it'll sting you! Ants have a lemony snap, though some are sour and vinegary. An angler who is hooked can suffer excruciating pain. Relevance. The ultimate guide to eating insects in Thailand. im making a list of things i wanna eat and a scorpion happens to be one of them. Why don't you eat the lollipop and free the scorpion. As the “Butch T” is a strain, they share the same appearance as other Scorpion peppers. The scorpion … Most didn't have much of a taste – deep-fried grubs are all crunch and no flavor, though they do literally melt in your mouth. Long answer: imagine a really bad rye whiskey that you can get for cheap but that it has something like 70% alcohol. It's obviously sweet because it's encased in sugar, but it does taste like an actual scorpion because it IS an actual scorpion. Its rather hard to explain. Perfect Scorpion Bowl in my book! I do not think so. You open the bottle and it smells like that post-coital mixture of body fluid and used condom. Read more. The Scorpions Taste Kinda Fishy Michelle Delio 05.06.04 Postma, an 11-year-old from Amsterdam, Holland, takes a bite out of pizza topped with mushrooms, crickets and mealworms at an American Museum of Natural History program that features a tasting menu of tempting insect snacks. Herrine: Ooh, that's gonna hurt. By the way, we do not recommend the handling or … Scorpion peppers have a pronounced point, like a stinger, that certainly give them an edgy, dangerous look. Though I find scorpion to be a bit bitter. Favorite Answer. He removed them and with a pair of scissors clipped off the poison sac and stinger and then he popped them in his mouth and ate them. I registered just to stop this lie, Scorpion belongs to Arachnids not crustacean, If you tell me that spiders taste like shrimp or crab then there's something wrong with you. They grow to one to two inches in length with a bulbous, wrinkly appearance. Terrible. "Scorpions do have poisonous stings but you're able to eat them. I have eaten bark scorpion. Everyone wanted the recipe. Find out what does scorpion taste like, where to buy exotic food in Thailand, and more. When it comes to eating, anglers agree sculpin is a taste treat. The fish and chips, the way we prepare it here, not only do we do the scorpion fish, but we also have a scorpion dusting spice, which we use a scorpion chili pepper, which is the second-hottest chili out there. In reality, the taste … Chicken? So some people say they actually taste sweet like a lobster because of that. Short answer? And there’s that stinger. Dave C. Lv 7. They tasted like a raw shrimp." I made exactly as written and it got rave reviews at a party I brought it too. 5 Answers. This punch-like cocktail is made from a trio of juices--orange, lemon, and pineapple--and spiked with gin, light and dark rum, and vodka. what do scorpions taste like? It is known as the scorpion fish because of large, horny spines. They are usually crunchy and taste like a potato chip in my experience. Scorpions leaves a bitter sweet taste same like spiders. 9 years ago.