Like man, as well as pigs and hogs, bears are true omnivores, eating both meat and plant material. What eats a bear? What I eat is low enough in carbohydrates that my body stays in a fat-burning mode called ketosis. Polar bears pretty much eat only ringed seals and bearded seals. Although they do not hunt these whales, occasionally they will come upon a whale carcass in their travels. Bears spend most of their time perusing a patchwork of habitats throughout the year, feeding on vegetation, insects and other more reliable, though lower calorie food sources. We have listed down all the animals that are part of the regular polar bear diet and also listed those animals which are not part of Polar Bears Diet but they do eat them when their regular diet is not available. What do bears eat? We have listed down all the animals that are part of the regular polar bear diet and also listed those animals which are not part of Polar Bears Diet but they do eat them when their regular diet is not available. What do Bears eat Bears are often portrayed in cartoons and movies as bloodthirsty predators, but most actually eat more plants than animals. This makes the meat rich. They eat meats and plants. Some animal species strictly consume plant matter, some are big meat eaters and others dine on a healthy mix of both. Learn all about What do Polar Bears Eat. They will travel great distances to hunt their prey. Probably not hard-boiled or scrambled, but black bears will eat bird eggs. What eats a bear? The bear liver is known to be exceptionally high in iron, so a person should be careful not to eat a lot of it in one sitting. Food and Diet Although all species of bears, including black and grizzly bears, are technically of the order Carnivora , they are essentially omnivores that eat plants, insects, fish, and animals. It’s common knowledge that bears are omnivores and eat both plants and meat but are they truly the powerful predators they are portrayed to be? If it’s technically food, and it’s available, they’ll likely dig right in. As far as black bears go, Western Wildlife makes a point to say that it’s rare for them to really turn down anything. With the exception of polar bears, every species of bear eats some type of plant, berry or insect daily. A disclaimer is in order, though. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game , a polar bear may kill a ringed seal every two to six days. Learn all about What do Polar Bears Eat. Grizzly bears do indeed eat meat, but they are omnivorous creatures and therefore chow down on a lot of other things, too. What do polar bears eat? In Asia, a large tiger might sometimes kill and eat a small or medium-size panda or other Asian bear. The polar bear feeds primarily on the seal's skin and blubber, leaving the meat and carcass for scavengers. Perhaps it's time to read in detail about what do polar bears eat in the wild habitat. Stay away from potatoes, tomatoes, grilled onions, and winter squash.