The others seem to form acorns about a month later than mine and don't seem to drop nearly as many. Why do oak trees produce more acorns some years but not others? (Dumb question). Great creative cement ideas with Bicycle tires - Innovation for your garden design - Diy flower pots - Duration: 10:05. Squirrels rejoice when acorns fall from the trees each autumn, but do you? A range of factors influence acorn production in oak trees, even within a 100-mile area. I was actually sad when it started getting dark outside and I had to stop. Acorns are a sign that your oak is healthy and happy. The exact time of maturation varies slightly with different types of oak trees. Join our newsletter list As spring comes to many parts of Texas, so does an interesting phenomenon. The weird thing is, only one seems to produce a large number of acorns. Collecting Acorns Most acorns mature in late summer and begin falling from the trees in September or October, although the specific drop period varies among species. If you have a new oak tree, you won't have to worry about acorns for 20 to 50 years. The others do produce some, but one in particular seems to be dropping thousands on my lawn, and my driveway. Most of us simply ignore acorns, just as we ignore gumballs, samaras, pinecones, pods, and all those other gifts from the trees. There is something so satisfying about hearing those acorns clang their way up and into the container, not to mention the satisfaction of seeing a smooth, grassy lawn reappear. DIY- Cement craft ideas Recommended for you Acorns in the fall are a welcome sight to many birds and mammals. Southern live oaks thrive from Virginia to Florida to Texas and are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 to 11. How do I get this one tree to stop acorn production? They make mowing underneath my oak trees difficult. Annual Texas live oak leaf drop. "The Squirrel and the Moose." The acorns are green, which indicate the trees are dropping them prematurely. I live in South Texas and one of my Oak tree has dropped thousands of acorns. Do you know if this is true? Are Acorns Bad for Your Lawn? Where oak trees grow, it’s a good bet the local deer herd is busy gobbling up one of Mother Nature’s tastiest fall foods — acorns. Do you know if this is true? Where oak trees grow, it’s a good bet the local deer herd is busy gobbling up one of Mother Nature’s tastiest fall foods — acorns. A Sneak Peek of the Movie. When Do Acorns Fall Off of Oak Trees? Great creative cement ideas with Bicycle tires - Innovation for your garden design - Diy flower pots - Duration: 10:05.