Always handle a frog gently to reduce stress on the animal and the amount of toxin it releases. Many frogs or toads have skin toxins that can cause irritation to our eyes, nose or mouth. After waking up from a long night of frogging, it’s execution time. Frogs are, as may be obvious, very fragile, and can easily be injured by jumping out of your hands, or by you squeezing them too hard. All you need is a flashlight and your hands. Kneel down and cup your hands around the toad slowly but steadily. Maybe it's the new unwanted visitor in your house. Whether you plan to keep them as pets or study them, catching a frog is actually really easy. Whether you need to catch a frog in the wild or you want to hold a captive amphibian at home, using your hands is fast and effective. We show you how to catch frogs with your bare hands. Watch the video to see how you can catch frogs with your hands … Washing your hands with soap before and after handling an amphibian is a must. With gigging, it’s best to clean your catch right away, before the frogs die and the meat goes bad. Cradle them gently in both hands to ensure they don’t jump out and injure themselves. How to Keep a Frog in a Jar in july i,m going up to my cottage wit my best friend my mommy my lil' bro (my moms friend owns the cottage and lets us stay there she'll also be there.) How to Catch a Frog. Frogs are fascinating amphibians and catching them can be tons of fun! Secondly, it’s just more fun and rewarding to catch a big bullfrog with your bare hands. But before you get started you need to wash your hands or wear non-powdered vinyl gloves. Some people like to whack the frog in the head with a hammer. and theres a beach down the road i went ther last year but i never caught any frogs but how can catch i frog without hurting it How to Catch a Lizard without Using Your Hands. Maybe you just want to have a "pet" for part of a day. When handling frogs, you need to use extreme caution. Catch and handle a toad gently. Before you handle or even touch your frog, make sure you have rinsed your hands thoroughly. If the toad “waters” in your hands, don’t be alarmed - it's not pee, it's water released from their water bladder. Its quiet easy but hard to catch a toad frogs and toads are kinda the same anyway you can catch them with your hands or a net or probley even a box Holding frogs with your hands. Frogs absorb practically everything through their skin.