New Member Introductions If you are new to the Talk Parrots Community, please introduce yourself and tell us about your parrots. These parrots are easily identified by their massive upper red beaks, maxilla, and maroon patches found on their wings. alexandrine parrot forum, are alexandrine parrots loud, do female alexandrine parrots talk, do female alexandrines talk?, my alexandrian parrots feathers are staying ruffled, one year old alexandrine parrot, parrot forum alexandrines, sexing alexandrine, sexing young alexandrines at … small parrots. This is true of most types of parrots. It should start eating now on its own.but my parrot still need to eat from my mouth.when he was small I chew food and I keep out my tongue and he was eating from my tongue, now he is 4 year old he started to eat on its own since he was 8 weeks but he still prefer to eat from my mouth.everyday i chew cashew and almond and he always eats that from my tongue.I love my parrot Do not have more than one parrot in the room or even in adjoining rooms when you are attempting to teach a parrot to talk. Follow us if you like it. An intelligent bird … 4. It is also very difficult to teach two birds to talk at the same time or more than one word or phrase at a time - parrots do not multi-task. Do not have more than one parrot in the room or even in adjoining rooms when you are attempting to teach a parrot to talk. Others will speak freely. Alexandrine Parakeets have long tails that can extend a foot or more from their bodies. See more ideas about Alexandrine parrot, Parrot and Parakeet. Alexandrine Parrot: The Alexandrine parrot is a larger version of both the Indian and African Ringneck. Thanks. The Alexandrine Parrot – a large bird with a streamlined body and elongated central tail feathers – is an excellent example of a good-feathered bird. “Alexandrine Parrot performing tricks” Video by PetDirectory This video shows that Alexandrines are very capable of learning a variety of tricks. Bird Moulting - When and Why do Birds Moult. The cock has predominately green plumage, a rose-pink collar, a purple-red patch on the wings and a broad black stripe across the lower cheeks. While all the parrots can talk in theory, some are better mimics than others and some species are more likely to talk. Species Profile Alexandrine Parakeet. Just thinking ahead. Some cockatiels will never speak a word. An average size parrot with a very long thin tail that gives this bird a very elegant and classical appearance. The tail is blue, tipped with yellow. The female does a great impression of a telephone ringing. ... Talking Baby Alexandrine Parrot Kellyfoxx07. So I was looking around at splendid/scarlet chested parakeets scarlet chested parakeet mutations - Talk Parrots … The Alexandrine parakeet or Alexandrian parrot (Psittacula eupatria) is a member of the psittaciformes order and of the Psittaculidae family. Talk Parrots Forums > Talk Parrots Central > New Member Introductions > male or female??? Alexandrine parrot, also known as the Alexandrine parakeet, a native to Asia, is considered as one of the largest parakeet species, which is now commonly found in other parts of the world like Belgium, southern England, western Turkey, and Germany. Some of the smaller parrots, such as parakeets, alexandrine cockatiels, lorikeets, and lovebirds, do not always learn to talk. Alexandrine parrots are still not that common in captivity compared to … If you have a female cockatiel or budgie/parakeet, it’s very unlikely your pet bird will talk at all.