Let us study what do sumatran tigers eat in the wild as well as in captivity. What Eats a Snake in the Rainforest? What do tigers eat? On extremely rare occasions they have been known to attack humans. Tigers live in the rainforest however. Occasionally, a pack of wild jungle dogs will kill a tiger in a fight over food, but the dogs do not attack the tiger in order to eat it. Related Questions. The smallest of all living tigers, the Sumatran tiger weighs 260 pounds on average and is up to eight feet long. Their number decreased greatly due to poaching (they are hunted for fur) and loss of habitat. What Do Tigers Eat. Tigers are carnivorous animals that eat a wide range of animals depending on the habitat of the tigers and the availability of food. Tigers eat anything in the jungle - whatever they can catch. Tigers always pounce on prey when their prey turns their back on them. They eat a good variety of prey depending upon the terrain they live in ranging from termites to baby rhinos and everything in between. Do you know what do Bengal tigers eat? ... Small and medium-sized snakes are the usual targets for predators, although large predators such as tigers and crocodiles will hunt any size of snake. Let’s discuss some of the most common Bengal tigers prey and its hunting technique. Tigers are one of the biggest cats on the planet. What Do Tigers Eat? Learn how much they eat, do they eat humans, what do they eat in … Their diets consist of antelopes, boars, monkeys, pigs, birds and occasionally elephants. In this article, we’ll explore the tiger hunting pattern and exact diet plan for each tiger type. Tigers are carnivorous mammals and they prey on large ungulates such as sambar, gaur, and chital; occasionally being involved in hunting water buffalo, serow, takin, barasingha, and … Do you know what do Bengal tigers eat? They vocalize in grunts and roars and mark their territories with their urine, feces and scraping. The red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) is a bird-of-prey species found in a variety of habitats, including rain forests. The tigers in India prefer sambar, barasingha, chital, and nilgai, whereas the Siberian tiger prefer sika deer, moose, and musk deer. Get to know the large, medium and small sized animals that Bengal Tigers hunt. These types of cats travel great distances of 1,000 km(620 miles) that smudges the exchange limit over ecologically unbroken country. By nature, tigers are carnivores. The Role of Tigers in the Ecosystem ... Tigers can swim well over long distances if needed; they eat only meat. Tigers are opportunistic predators hence they dont mind smaller prey like monkeys, fish, and hares. The existence of ‘White Siberian Tiger’ is a misconception. Bengal tigers live in the tropical rainforests of India, Bhutan, China, Indonesia and Bangladesh, though most of the population is found in deciduous forests and grasslands. Here is a list of prey items from Nagarole NP in India, Royal Bardia NP in Nepal and Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary in Thailand, assessed from scats (feces). Tigers are carnivorous mammals and they prefer to prey on large ungulates including sambar, gaur, and chital; occasionally being involved in hunting water buffalo, serow, takin, barasingha, and nilgai. Let’s discuss some of the most common Bengal tigers prey and its hunting technique. Complete information on What do Bengal Tiger Eat. Wiki User February 28, 2009 5:09AM. Its orange and black stripes—narrower than those found on other tiger subspecies*—help to distinguish this particular feline. Do you know what do Bengal tigers eat? They can survive in wide range of climates of Asia and Russia: from tropical rainforest, and savannas to the Siberian forests. What layer do tigers in rainforest do tigers live in? Let’s discuss some of the most common Bengal tigers prey and its hunting technique. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. Tigers can live up to 20 years in the wild, and cubs remain with … But tigers need large prey to survive long term. They can eat as much as 40 kilograms of meat a day.