Tiny holes in your siding are also dangerous since a chipmunk can fit into a space as small as two inches wide. Can I throw something like bleach or ammonia down their holes to repel them?Does anyone know what I can put down a chipmunk hole to make them ';relocate';? In this video I'm dealing with the cinder block foundation. I address cosmetic issues where settling has occurred, holes from pipes, chips and more. The only visible evidence of a vole burrow is the neat exit holes an inch or two across. Squirrels digging major holes under cement steps. Thanks in advance for your help! Chipmunks are cute and fun to watch -- until they start eating your plants and digging holes in your yard. The gestation period for chipmunks is only 31 days. The eastern chipmunk is the only chipmunk found in Connecticut. Now let's talk concrete! Relevance. By means of this article you will be able to learn more about best chipmunk control options and will … It is reddish brown with a single black stripe running down the center of its back. I have a 12'x16' concrete patio, and on either side are small holes from a animal, probably 1.5-2" diameter. Don’t bother trying to fill chipmunk holes with sand, gravel, or concrete until you’ve banished the chipmunks from the burrow. If you need to get rid of chipmunks, sprinkle mothballs or flakes around your house, plants, and wherever you see chipmunk holes. You just have a small standing puddle in … You can also spray pepper spray or hot sauce in these areas, or sprinkle cayenne pepper on your plants, to encourage the chipmunks to relocate. So far we have tried to pour Tabasco sauce around the tunnels and thrown in cut up hot peppers. Chipmunk Breeding. The eastern chipmunk, found across the eastern United States, is 5 to 6 inches long with two tan and five black lines down its back. Voles look like mice; some are commonly called meadow mice or pine mice. Each litter of chipmunks usually contains 4 or 5 young. I blocked the hole with a brick and the next morning it had been pushed away and now I had tried to see how big the hole is by putting a hose in there but it just kept filling . The good news is that you can pour the concrete in water. The holes for the fence posts must be deep and wide enough to allow you to pour concrete in. Easily identified, chipmunks are a common sight in woodlands and suburban areas. They dig holes, destroy landscaping and make burrows. Answer Save. The Lifecycle of a Chipmunk. One side of the patio seems to just be entrance holes, and the other looks like it opens into a burrow. The burrow is about 5ft deep, but I can't tell how wide, or what else is going on under the patio. Chipmunk Holes. Chipmunk holes, the entrances to the pests' underground tunnel systems, typically measure one inch in diameter and can be found near plants or around the base of birdfeeders. I also have a chipmunk problem. Now that you know how to get rid of chipmunks, it’s time to tackle the holes they’ve left in your yard and garden. One side of the patio seems to just be entrance holes, and the other looks like it opens into a burrow. This will push the chipmunks back to the perimeters of your property. There are holes along side my driveway all the way along into the concrete and dirt. Ok, so now that we know how they bother us, lets review some simple chipmunk home remedies below.