Poultry For Sale. Chickens › Poultry Breeders & Suppliers › Guinea Fowl for Sale UK. Shop For Guinea fowl at Stromberg's! Guinea Fowl Chicks Both Males And Females Guinea Fowl Chicks Both Males And Females. Find Guinea Fowl and Keets for sale, for rehoming and for adoption from reputable breeders and private sellers or connect for free with enthusiastic buyers at Freepetads.co.uk Guinea Fowl (The Poultry Book, 1867 ) Guinea Fowl are not really suited for the small suburban back garden but are useful to those with large and isolated gardens due to the noise they make on siting an intruder. I have a small flock of birds which I breed from, I have done so for over 20 years now, I have written about my experiences in the hope that it will help others who would like to keep guinea fowl. Guinea Fowl are natural free-rangers which have adapted well in the UK, they are best as free-ranging birds on smallholdings, farms and estates or can be kept in a large aviary style enclosure. 6 guinea fowl eggs suitable for hatching in an incubator or under a broody hen. Quickly find the best offers for Guinea fowl for sale on NewsNow Classifieds. Birds of a feather... Join the flock! A Guinea fowl tastes rather like a cross between a pheasant and a corn fed chicken - the flavour is gamier than a chicken but milder than pheasant so is a good introduction to gamier flavours for the uninitiated. Only £3 plus £4.50 postage and packaging. The Guinea Fowl Resource. With four generations of experience selling poultry we have great Guinea Fowl for you! Our Guinea fowl keets are bred from free range parents in a perfect environment with a mix of woodland and grass fed with healthy poultry pellets and their own foraged insects. Home 1. We collected up to 38 ads from hundreds of classified sites for you! UK Suppliers of Guinea Fowl by County. You can substitute guinea fowl for just about any chicken recipe. Happy enough to free-range throughout the day, the fowl can be trained, with … 2019 hatched guinea fowl for sale sold as un-sexed as I don't know how to sex them, all good strong birds normal greys £20 each lavender £30 each If you have guinea fowl, you've come to the right place. Guinea Fowl are fascinating birds and the more you get to know them, the more amusing you find their quirky ways. Vulturine Guinea fowl (Acryllium vulturinum) The Vulterine Guineafowl are medium to large sized birds that live in the Eastern Tropical African regions, such as Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, East Uganda, and North-east Tanzania. Reasons not to keep Guinea fowl; Male Guineas; Before you get Guineas; Guinea fowl housing; Feeding guineas. Guinea Fowl Eggs For Hatching For Sale. Find Guinea Fowl for sale via Pets4Homes. Newly listed; Price (lowest - highest) Price (highest - lowest) 2 2. 2019 hatched guinea fowl for sale sold as un-sexed as I don't know how to sex them, all good strong birds normal greys £20 each lavender £30 each This makes our keets especially healthy and perfect for a new start. UK Pets has found 1 guinea fowl for sale that meets your search criteria. The #1 free pet classifieds site to buy, sell and rehome Guinea Fowl and other Poultry near me. This advert is located in and around Burstwick, East Yorkshire. If you are considering getting guinea fowl, you're still in the right place. Come on in for the best support and community around. Eggs will be collected and posted within 3 days of receipt of order. New Cl A ssifie d £20 For Sale Guinea fowl for sale. Although guinea fowl are wild game birds in Africa, there are none available in this country, so we can only offer farmed guinea fowl. Guinea Fowl. Guinea Fowl International. I jave 7 mixed Guinea fowl for sale at £10 each, some are lavenders, all just over 5 months old Wanting to downsize our flocks Also available are a t Sort by: Newly listed. Learn more .