Rise of Skywalker is the desperate hammering of a cork into the diarrhea spewing ass of Rian's TLJ by JJ, to an extent it succeeded and as a movie(And sometimes takes the liberty of missing the cork to smash TLJ in the balls out of frustration). The First Order would have arrived and blown up the ship and assumed all were dead. In addition to some fans disliking Holdo's entire character, her specific decision to sacrifice herself in The Last Jedi didn't sit well with some viewers, as the maneuver… When Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) makes his one-in-a-million Holdo Maneuver comment in The Rise of Skywalker, it falls flat and contradicts his … Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker featured the Holdo maneuver in the scene that took place on Endor toward the end of the movie. The Holdo maneuver was a suicidal tactic named after Resistance Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. ... Nobody's saying the Resistance should have had a massive, Imperial-sized army by the time The Rise of Skywalker picked up, but it's odd to suggest Luke ultimately died for nothing. One might think that Holdo's incredible act might warrant some sort of fanfare, but The Rise of Skywalker does away with this notion pretty speedily. Listening to reviews and leaks, so for those who've seen it. Reddit may have spotted a secret Holdo Maneuver in 'Rise of Skywalker' One in a million? A recently leaked behind-the-scenes photo from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker shows that the film almost featured a new look for Rey.. Reddit user kidwifi posted the leaked image to the r/StarWarsLeaks page. The fanbase is not a monolith, but I have mostly seen praise for the Holdo Maneuver. She goes out a hero, the Resistance is saved.. AND it makes sense. The Rise of Skywalker Used the Holdo Maneuver to Save the Ewoks. And I have a feeling, Rise of Skywalker will be the same. I thought the rise of Skywalker was just a big game of Hide & Seek for the whole movie? WIN WIN! More: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's Ending Explained. But if you’re a science fiction nut, you’ve seen this move before. Star Wars Theory - Duration: 15:16. This entire space ramming nonsense has created a huge argument, one side will make a point about how if the Holdo Maneuver was a possibility then we’ve seen numerous space battle scenes that don’t make any sense and the other side will spout off righteously about something not being cannon or some bull shit about physics. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker directly addresses the controversial Holdo Maneuver from The Last Jedi.Rian Johnson's central installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy proved divisive for a number of reasons, from its portrayal of Luke Skywalker to undoing the significance of several mysteries set up by The Force Awakens.Among the secondary (but no less debated) concerns were the actions … There were a handful of moments that left me speechless in last year’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but “The Holdo Maneuver” may be the most beautifully executed in the entire movie. I'm expecting a dumpster fire but hoping for a good Star Wars movie. More: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's Ending Explained. The Holdo Maneuver Was Lucky. The Holdo maneuver was freakin' great btw. Then JJ needlessly shoved it back. Ok so little background info, I'm not a fan of the Holdo Maneuver. The Holdo Maneuver Was Lucky. Galaxy saved, credits roll.