This leads to many health … Ducks do not get crackers and bread to eat in the wild. Currently, she spends her days gardening, caring for her orchard and vineyard, raising chickens, ducks, goats, and bees. You can … Whether you buy bird seed or seeds from the healthy aisle in the supermarket – the ducks will be very grateful for these nutritious nibbles. Fortunately, ducks can do quite well on chicken feed, although there is waterfowl feed available commercially for those who raise only ducks; or ducks and geese together. People who are interested in feeding wild ducks should offer cracked corn, chopped vegetables or lettuce leaves instead of bread crumbs. Jennifer is a full-time homesteader who started her journey in the foothills of North Carolina in 2010. By Jennifer Poindexter. Wild ducks will eat almost anything they can get their bills on, but this does not mean that all food is good for them. Wondering what ducks eat … Jennifer Poindexter. Ducks have a small ‘crop’ in their esophagus to store food before passing it on to the digestive system, called the pouch. Just remember to keep the crispy duck all to yourself. As well as the foods mentioned above wild ducks will also eat fish eggs, small crustaceans, algae, worms, and insects. What do ducks eat? Feeding Ducks: What Do Ducks Eat, What NOT to Feed, and Everything Else You Need to Know. Knowing what to feed ducks can help provide the birds with a healthy diet so future generations can enjoy this activity safely both for themselves and for the birds they want to feed. Rice Wild ducks will appreciate a handful of leftover rice from a takeaway. 6. So ducks that live near wetlands will eat amphibians such as frogs, molluscs and small fish, while ducks that live near parks and grasslands will eat seeds, grains and grasses. Wild ducks eat aquatic plants as well as grasses and other tender plants. They also eat seeds, bugs, slugs, snails, minnows, small frogs, and anything else too slow to avoid a snapping bill. The bread gets stuck in the crop and prevents the passage of food to the stomach. These things are completely unhealthy for them as they make their internal organs become enlarged and fatty. What to feed ducks on your next park visit – do they eat bread? For example, bread is not a good source of nutrition for wild ducks, because it does not contain many nutrients. Ducks are omnivores who love to eat insects, grass, seeds, worms, and greens to give them a balanced diet to keep them healthy and strong. Many birders got their first personal interactions with wild birds by feeding ducks at local parks or urban ponds. Years and years ago when my oldest child was a toddler, we would take a weekly trip to the library.