Eight ways to get rid of snakes in your yard or house: 1 - Leave the snake alone. This article addressing if mothballs keep snakes away has been repurposed from The Antidote, a newsletter of the Blue Ridge Poison Center. How to use Mothballs to get rid of skunks. Reptiles literally "taste" the air around them. 2 - Use a push broom to sweep a snake away at a safe distance - works well with a snake inside a house, garage, shed, etc. Not only will moth balls get rid of rats, they will deter mice, drive squirrels away, turn around armadillos, stop snakes, and chase off raccoons. Many people still use mothballs around their home to try to keep snakes away. It is a great way to resolve your problem with the snake and feel that you can be safe in doing so. They get rid of insects, rodents, and spiders. Mothballs do not repel snakes! The snakes didn't care at all. There are better ways to keep snakes away from your house than using mothballs. How to Use Mothballs as Snake Repellent. 2 - Use a push broom to sweep a snake away at a safe distance - works well with a snake inside a house, garage, shed, etc. I once had to deal with a den of snakes under a walkway. So why not use this option in your garden right away? Recent issues with imported and unregulated mothballs from China have also become a huge concern as there is no way to know what chemicals were used during the process. Depending on where you live in the world, you may need to use effective snake repellents to keep snakes away from your home. You can go a much cheaper route and use mothballs, as this is the main component in them. Mothballs may repel snakes or mice. You do not put your yard, your family, or your pets at risk while still riding the snakes. However, in the event you’ve got snakes invading your well-kept garden or getting into your home, there are homemade repellents to keep them away. Reptiles don't have the same olfactory senses as mammals, but that doesn't mean that their sense of smell is any less effective. Mothballs have the potential to be a hazard to pets, livestock or children that may come into contact with them. Erecting snake proof fencing is another alternative of how to get rid of snakes in backyard fast. Yes mothballs WILL get rid of snakes. Use mothballs. There are many natural snake repellent ideas that allow you to get rid of snakes without harming them. That doesn't sound helpful, but it's actually the best approach 90+% of the time. One of the most common snake repellents you’ll find is naphthalene. That doesn't sound helpful, but it's actually the best approach 90+% of the time. Naturally, snakes feed on rodents and other household pests such as rats, lizards, geckos, and so on. Though they work great for repelling moths, their ability to deter snakes is debatable. Many people have tried all different kinds of repellents to get rid of snakes … Eight ways to get rid of snakes in your yard or house: 1 - Leave the snake alone. NO! Although most people use mothballs to deter moths from eating their favorite wool sweaters, some use them as a snake deterrent in the yard or garden. For those who say snakes don't have a good sense of smell and aren't affected by mothballs, you are wrong. Since food is as vital as shelter, the elimination of such creatures will significantly contribute to discouraging snakes from entering your property. I bought a very popular snake repellent made mostly of mothballs (plus sulfur) and dumped two pounds of it down the snake hole. "Since snakes eat rodents, we want to get rid of them. While scary and dangerous, snakes are useful to the ecosystem. Naphthalene. When I first started out my wildlife removal company, I tried everything. … Continue reading "How To Use Mothballs To Repel Snakes" It is found in products like Snake-A-Way. Simple steps help keep snakes out of your yard "We know food attracts snakes," Vandeventer said. Get rid of pests and rodents. That is a complete myth! Using a homemade mixture to repel snakes is a good idea if you live in an area heavily populated by snakes.