Can you own an elephant? If you’ve always dreamed of owning the animals you can usually only find in zoos, those are the states where you stand the best chance. In some places, you can have a pet squirrel or kangaroo while other places you can't even have a pet rabbit. In others you may need a special permit. Many americans has exotic animals. In Arkansas, you can own bobcats, but not more than six at a time. You can help The Sanctuary feed an elephant for a day with a donation of $50. Have you ever seen an elephant up close and personal? Texas man can keep one elephant, not three; chooses his Boo. We will also have demonstrations as well as a visit to our museum and gift shop. This unique preserve in Fredericksburg lets you get up close and personal with beautiful Asian elephants whose days very well might be numbered. It takes generations to domesticate a species, and the elephant shrew has not been a candidate for domestication. Before you would be approve to own one , you would have to show the state that you can keep one. Diet. I believe in texas you don't need a permit in some counties, but you must in others. Make sure you let us know by leaving a comment. Most People Don’t Know You Can Meet Endangered Elephants At This Unique Preserve In Texas. Mountain lions are classified as nongame animals; they are not protected and can be harvested at any time. Otherwise, you may be on shaky legal ground. Elephants have more than 100,000 muscles in the trunk making it very flexible and strong enough to lift trees. For more information please call TAHC at (800) 550-8242 or visit the Texas Animal Health Commission website. Alternatively, as a creature with an introverted nature, the elephant may thus be depicting your own personality. Take a look at complete listings for all our shows - we've got plenty to keep you entertained! If not, here's your chance! Some states are specific as to what animals they restrict while others allow pretty much anything to be kept as a pet. A man in East Texas gave up his battle with regulators who claimed he was not caring properly for his three elephants: Boo, Jewel and Tina. If you bought your boots from a retailer that has the appropriate permits to import elephant products for sale -- or if the elephant leather arrived in the United States prior to the enactment of restrictive laws and treaties -- you can own them. South Dakota will let you keep a bear on your property, but domestic pigs are prohibited. Every state has different exotic pet laws. Wiki User March 01, 2012 8:34PM. The artistry found in objects carved from old ivory and made other endangered animal goods won’t diminish, however, no matter how rigorously these types of bans are enforced. We have several animal sanctuaries here in Texas, but few are home to endangered species. Did you know you could make your bucket list dream of caring for elephants come true at an elephant sanctuary right here in Texas? For example, South Carolina prohibits owning lions as pets, but you can still own a monkey. The question as posed is too nebulous. Did you know you could make your bucket list dream of caring for elephants come true at an elephant sanctuary right here in Texas? It depends on the jurisdiction, age of the elephant, and numerous other factors. Yes you can. It's like "Sophie's Choice," except with pachyderms. These are still items you can enjoy owning while you have them, and then pass them along to your heirs or perhaps to a museum. At Two Tails Ranch (All About Elephants) we offer a guided tour where we will talk about the animals and answer questions. One risk is that wild animals potentially carry unknown diseases. It's like "Sophie's Choice," except with pachyderms. Many exceptions and qualifications apply to … Good luck... because you'll need it. Join The Herd! But in most states you need the proper permits to own one in which your facility and the animals will be visited by state officials and they can take your animal away if you are not caring for and housing yoru animal safely and humanely.