Jerry Mambretti, Ecosystem Leader, Sabine Lake. Texas Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Fishery. Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, are small, nutrient-packed fish that are central to the Chesapeake Bay's food chain and support one of the largest commercial fisheries on the Atlantic coast.As a result of their environmental and economic importance, management of the menhaden fishery is a political flashpoint across the region. Firms choosing to use menhaden oil would bear labeling and other costs. If you are going to grind up chum, just use menhaden. In early February, the regulatory body that sets catch limits for menhaden—the country’s second-most-caught fish—will consider adopting a new way to manage the species, which is valued prey to wildlife. An important commercial baitfish, menhaden are also harvested for production of fish oil, fertilizer, and fishmeal. Menhaden has seen use as a fuel, as an ingredient in industrial commodities, and most recently as a nutritional supplement. In fact, menhaden’s role as a forage fish is well documented. MENHADEN, economically one of the most important fishes of the United States, known by a great number of local names, "menhaden" and "mossbunker" being those most generally in use. Brevoortia tyrannus) - Information and Fishery . Menhaden definition is - a marine fish (Brevoortia tyrannus) of the herring family abundant along the Atlantic coast of the U.S. where it is used for bait or converted into oil and fertilizer; also : any of several congeneric fishes. MENHADEN, economically one of the most important fishes of the United States, known by a great number of local names, "menhaden" and "mossbunker" being those most generally in use. 1 3 An Assessment of the Social and Economic Importance Of Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) (Latrobe, 1802) In Chesapeake Bay Region (2011) Menhaden Research at VIMS; because menhaden travel in schools, purse seines were used to catch menhaden even before steam-powered vessels were common This fish serves as a key link in the oceanic cycle of life. The levels of incorporation of fish meal can range from 40 to 60% in feeds for marine fish to less than 5% in feeds for carp, catfish or tilapia (Tacon et al., 2008). It serves as a food source to predators, it cleans our oceans, and it feeds bottom feeding fish and crustaceans. FDA proposes to reduce maximum use levels of menhaden oil for pies, … Increasing economic pressures and regulations have reduced the menhaden fishery to a fraction of what it once was. Put them into a trashcan in the sun all day, and when they got ripe, all a little water and we used a masher made from 1"x1"s, in an X mounted to an old shovel handle to mash the uncooked fish into pulp. Socioeconomic Analysis of the Atlantic Menhaden Commercial Bait and Reduction Fishery Executive Summary Industry Perspectives: Composition and Salient Themes Highlights: Interviews with menhaden industry members revealed a consensus around three themes: increased menhaden stock, increased menhaden bait demand, and increased oil and meal demand. Menhaden reduction facilities once dotted the Atlantic coastline from Maine to Florida, but industry regulation, local government land use policies, and tough economic times have taken their toll. Because these costs are voluntary, they will be borne only if doing so is anticipated to be advantageous to the firm. Atlantic menhaden are members of one of the most economically and ecologically important families of fishes (Clupeidae), which includes herrings, shad, anchovies, and sardines.Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) is found in coastal and estuarine …